Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Honor His Creation

"Honor His Creation."

How can I say I Love Yah and not honor His
creation by sleeping with her by simply playing House.
He created Eve not as Adam's whore or Baby Mama
woman wasn't created as a play thing but a spouse.
We are to honor the creation and Respect the creator
by marrying the most Beautiful creation in life.
We say we Love Him and yet many of us sleep
around not ever wanting to make her your wife.
Yah created woman for the man not the other
way around like the self absorbed think today.
Yah never created any woman on His level
satan gives them those attitudes by the way.
The whorish spirit in males are of the devil
31 flavors to try Yah did not create.
All the sleeping around and the Disease
and Demons that are exchanged Yah does hate.
Marriage is more than a piece of paper it is
a Commitment and Responsibility to Yah also.
You honor Him when you honor that woman
and your Love for Him you really show.
Not all marriages are equal satan is in the
marriage business and all of his are failures too.
Divorce became because of the marriages of satan
but from the very beginning it was never knew.
Whatever Yah does is perfect and satan copies
but as we know with a bad affect.
Satan has many in bad relationships and even
more terrible marriages but playing House Yah rejects.
Anything built on lust is doomed to failure and
until Yah calls you out of darkness lust will be in you.
Love will be a word that's used and said but the
power of it in your life can never come through.
Sex is unsatisfying and unfulfilling but through Love
and Lovemaking you will be fed more than physically.
Yah will be there within the two of you
and the Love you share will intensify spiritually.
Honor His creation in marriage she's not a whore
Respect her, Love her she's a gift from above.
A woman with the spirit of Yah is the most Beautiful
and most Wonderful creations on earth that I know of.

shelly david wright, poet

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