Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Have Daughters

"I Have Daughters."

I have daughters so I'm not trying to mess
over someone else's this I'm not trying to do.
Don't you realize that the seeds that you sow
will come back in wrath to mess over you.
How would you like it if someone messed over
your daughter slept with her and tossed her away.
Well that's what many males do to someone else's
daughter and this is done every minute of everyday.
No one ever thinks that the deeds they do will ever
come back on them.
But they do because your sins could fall on your children
a worse devil than yourself she could fall for him.
You did have a Mother would you want someone to abuse
her that's what many of you do to the females you talk to.
You emotionally, verbally, mentally, and physically
abuse them and you know that this is true.
You lie to them and run game never once considering
just how they feel.
You're addicted to sex courtesy of satan and to get it
you'll say and do anything this is real.
I have daughters and I don't want to see them hurt
or messed over so I sow good seeds in their life.
I don't want them to be anyone's whores but for Yah
to bless them with husbands that will cherish their wives.
We need to be about being examples to our girls
all girls out here to steer them right and straight.
Let them know that it is a good thing to keep their
virginity and on their husband they should wait.
We've all made mistakes but let's not continue in sin
let's not make a act an attitude and a habit.
We as men need to respect our Queens and Princesses
forget the satanic game of Hit it and Quit.
How would you feel if your daughter was in the
hospital dying of AIDS or had HIV.
Well if those demons are in you those same demons
in her you just might see.
I have daughters and I Love them but I Love my
Heavenly Father by the way I live so much more.
How would you like it if your daughter was just like
you screwing everything she sees like daddy a whore.

This goes for the Sisters as well.
shelly david wright, poet

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