Wednesday, October 14, 2009



When you consummate marriage the penis is inserted
into the vagina, like a ring placed on a finger too.
The vagina and the penis is a treasure
so giving yourself before marriage you shouldn't do.
The sisters are our wives and our treasure
that Yah has given us to always and forever Love.
They are our Queens as we are their Kings
we are Royalty because Yah dwells within from above.
On our wedding night our prize will be each other
as you penetrate her vagina and her heart the two become one.
Spirit and flesh are joined to Yah He directs the marriage as
head, center and foundation this is what's being done.
We are one with each other and one with the Most High
our marriage is His marriage an example for all to see.
The two can be harmonious with Him just as Yah
our Brother so is the husband over the wife in authority.
Because of the rebellious attitudes in those outside the Will
marriages of satan failing many do not want marry anymore.
Their recourse is to be single sleep around and later reap
we are in the last days many are reaping as never before.
There's a cost a penalty for every wrong against Yah
like those in Noah's day and in Sodom, you will pay.
Unrepented sin will not go unpunished many are sick
and diseased who are suffering from day to day.
It's better to marry than to burn Yah Loves
the institution of the family.
He and His Son are family they set the example
of how He meant for things to be.
He's the Creator and we are His creation
He created man from the dust out of true Love.
When we consummate we release life into our spouses
recreating ourselves in Lovemaking as He did from above.
Satan reduced something set apart by Yah to a Booty Call,
but this was not the way it was in the beginning.
Even the angels took wives and, giants roamed the earth as a
result, they were punished for all of their sinning.
Marriage has been made a mockery by those satan joined
through Yah's mercy many have a chance to do it right.
When we consummate our marriage this time it will be Love
we will penetrate heart, soul, mind and body in spiritual delight.

Shelly David Wright, Poet

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