Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Baby / Lovemaking Music.

"Baby/Lovemaking Music."

There are songs that touch the heart and soul
and there are are songs that suggest intimacy.
It is these songs that have sent many to bed to
produce more babies than awards easily.
Many have their favorite Lovemaking songs
songs that affect them emotionally.
Songs that ignite a flame and a burning passion
that makes them react very passionately.
But too often after the song is over and reality
sets in many have been screwed and that's all.
Sure it felt good and usually just to the female but
to a male it's just an introduction to the Booty call.
Baby making music as it was designed this way
whoring, adultery music that destroys many lives.
Music that arouses senses that bring out the
sexual nature where many creep on their wives.
You see this music was designed spiritually for what
it does and many of you are possessed and don't know.
There are spirits associated with music and the soothing
sounds of making Love are the ones many enjoy so.
Music is the essence of romance and it sets the mood
candle light and wine and you'll have a memorable night.
When you're in Love and Love the one you've been given
music can make the moment one of sheer delight.
Baby making music to make a family but it's sad
when that family is called a mistake that was intentionally.
Bottom line no matter how that music arouses you
sex is a responsible act that Yah gave to the married only.
There are many favorite Lovemaking songs that
many hear and the intimacy begins.
Music that touches you and for those who aren't
married it awakes their lusts and causes them to sin.
I Love romantic music and I yearn for the time where
I and my spouse will have our favorite Lovemaking song.
Marriage is the perfect setting for intimacy
having anything less before Yah is all wrong.
Baby Lovemaking music I listen to, it's soft and I Love
the whole heart felt pleasure that comes with romance.
I'm taking what satan meant for sin and I'll use it in
marriage to express my Love physically when given the chance.

inspired by a conversation with Tonida J. Cooper
shelly david wright, poet

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