Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Can I Make a Fool Out of You

"Can I Make a Fool out of You."

Can I make a fool out of you until I find the
one that I want to share my life.
Can I make you my sperm bank and my whore
until I get tired of you and find my wife.
Can I use you knowing I don't Love you just
what's between your legs and that's all.
What we call a relationship is nothing to me
but a long term Coochie call.
Can I go out with the fellas and leave you home
like a good girl while I go out to cheat.
You know when you're on your period I
go and my other pussy I meet.
You see this is the story that is going on in so
many relationships and the females do it too.
They take a male and make him think that
he has found his dream come true.
She'll whip you with that Coochie like Massa just
like her legs his wallet and accounts open also.
The games that are played are truly demonic
they don't feel Love you better know.
Most of you have been involved with someone
who used you and left you broken hearted.
They left you for dead with your feelings
attached as if you were the dearly departed.
Many now are bitter behind the games played
and trust is something they don't have anymore.
You see you can't make a male a husband or a
female a wife when in their spirit they're a whore.
Can I make you a fool is all they're saying when
they don't want to be responsible to you.
When you can get the Milk for Free why in the
world would they want to say I DO.
Sex is an addictive spiritual matter and if they're
pussy whipped into marrying you watch out.
Because that Gold or Fire you think you're working
with will grow old with him without a doubt.
Lust can never be satisfied so he will stray like
a Dog when he finds another one in heat.
Satan will hook him up with a real winner one with
AIDS and he'll bring it home to you aww how sweet.

shelly david wright, poet

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