Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Did Your Daddy Do That?

"Did Your Daddy Do That?"

Did your Daddy call you a Bitch and a Whore
well why would you allow a male to call you that.
A male whose only interest is in lying and eventually
dogging you out just because he wants your puddy tat.
Why would you want someone who whips your ass
for breakfast, lunch, and dinner then says he Loves you.
Did your Daddy mistreat you in that manner then
why these things you'd let some Jackass do.
Love is about Respect, Caring, honesty, it's about
putting the other person before them first.
It's not about wanting you because you have a vagina
and it's not self centered and only trying to feed their thirst.
Did your Daddy do that, I know there's many who didn't
have a father figure that made an impression in their life.
He may have been a male who was playing House
who only made empty promises to make Mommy a wife.
Truth for whatever reason many Brothers have failed
in the duties to be a father or father figure that's all.
Women are more than a hole to crawl into you need
to know they're much more than a Booty call.
Our community suffers from a lack of good male
role models and our sons and daughters need it more.
They are faced with issues in these last days that
in our time we had to never deal with before.
We have done more damage to our people than
those who oppress us it's really a sad thing.
I hate what we have become and for our self
hatred more misery and sorrow our troubles will bring.
Did your Daddy do that, yes there are some stories
that Daddy did some things that would have got them shot.
Whatever the reason when you harm your own child
you aren't worthy to be called a parent you're lower than snot.
Making babies and abandoning them then not paying your
child support it doesn't matter if you and mommy don't get along.
If you're man enough to make a baby then man up and be
responsible straight up being a whore is wrong.
Did your Daddy do that, well I'm sorry if you had a sperm donor
for a Daddy but you shouldn't let every male bring you down.
Love must come from Yah and then find it in yourself the same
with respect you don't need a Jackass, a sperm donor or another clown.

inspired by a conversation with my Sister
Kim S. Watkins (Caramel Queen)
shelly david wright, poet

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