Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Piece of Mind is Better than a Piece

"A Piece of Mind is Better than a Piece."

To my Brothers I'm telling you to avoid the drama
at all costs but some aren't going to listen to me.
Because you don't understand that a piece of mind
is more precious than any piece of pussy.
The cost of whoring is too high to reap the wrong
that you've sown by sleeping around.
You see there is a cost associated with everything
you do and on Judgment day guilty you'll be found.
The emotional games that you play on the Sisters
is wrong you tell them that I Love you lie.
But those words you will give full account for
when you stand before the Most High.
If satan has his way you'll pay dearly
because the games he's putting you up to do them.
You think you're your own man but you're a male
and bottom line a fool for him.
I've met the conceited and those with attitudes
and the ones who think it's all about them too.
But once a male gets them on their backs they
will eventually treat them like poo.
My Brothers and Sisters Playing Pussy is very
dangerous leaving many with issues today.
There are abortions unwanted children and just the
mental, emotional games that put many away.
Many Sisters are on a personal crusade against all
men when it was their choice that they got screwed by.
Now all men are Dogs but your choices reveal
a lot about you so now you wanna cry.
Look this is a cruel world the illusion many of you see
through your Rose colored glasses isn't real.
No matter how much he lies to you it's the lies that
you convince yourself with on how he feels.
Loneliness sucks but I'd rather have a piece of mind
than to have pussy and the drama in my life.
Why not do it Yah's way ask Him if you're His to send
you your heart's desire in that husband or wife.
A piece of mind is better than any piece of pussy to
be drama and stress free from someone a male has hurt.
Who wants to be the one she lashes out on from the pain
that was inflicted when he Dogged her out like dirt.

shelly david wright, poet

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