Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Emotionally and Spiritually Too

"Emotionally and Spiritually Too."

On the day we say our vows we will become one
in name and on our wedding night one physically too.
But you must become one spiritually and emotionally
for they bond the marriage, they're the glue.
Spiritually it is beneficial to be chosen and selected
by Yah for each other not everyone is by Him.
There are those who were married by satan
and from the confusion there are many of them.
There are marriages struggling and dissolving
divorces and break ups are on the rise.
Many came into a relationship that turned into
a marriage based on Lust and Lies.
There was only a physical attraction and when
that license was signed she became his property.
A marriage license doesn't entitle anyone to
ownership I don't know where they get this insanity.
Whenever Lust is the foundation it is meant
to fail satan doesn't do Love.
He is pure Hatred and that's what you feel jealousy,
envy, anger, disgust, more I'm sure you can think of.
For you who say I won't get married I'll stay
single but will you whore around.
Many feel they like it just the way it is getting
the Milk with no commitment I've found.
Only what Yah sees as acceptable will He cover
and that is marriage as if you didn't know.
He created the union of marriage in the Garden
to bring us into the Unity of one also.
However if you aren't one emotionally which
requires affection and sensitivity from the start.
You must have the spirit of Yah to emotionally
have true Love in your heart.
Emotionally becoming one is very important
you must be able to express yourself emotionally.
Being able to communicate with your feelings
is what your spouse really wishes to see.
Emotionally and spiritually too to become one
physically is the road to take.
It takes you being one spiritually, emotionally,
and physically then true Love you can make.

shelly david wright, poet

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