Wednesday, October 14, 2009

As Long As I Take Care of Home

"As Long As I take Care of Home."

This is a mindset that makes it ok in the minds
of many males to continue their adultery.
As long as they take care of home first is truly
having your cake and eating it too insanity.
Many families stayed together with this secret
killing them but she said a man will be a man.
This is just an excuse for him to sin and mess over you
but with many today his stuff would be in the trash can.
Women back then took this abuse in silence hurting
inside because she was sharing her husband.
There is no scripture that allows males to be whores
adultery leads to death don't you understand.
You did not make a deal with Yah where you can
take care of home and have a whore on the side.
You must be a selfish jackass not caring who you hurt
and not knowing you're committing spiritual suicide.
You'll reap of your wickedness this isn't like having
a cup of coffee you're sinning against the Most High.
Unrepented sinners will stand before Yah in judgment
and in the Lake of Fire you will surely die.
There are many who have more than one family
they have children their other children don't know.
You wonder why your children are just like you filled
with the same spirit just like daddy a Ho.
This is no right of being a man to cheat on his
wife given to him by the Most High above.
Yah is about fidelity not cheating on your wife He
is about family and above all He's about Love.
Yah wants a man to take care of home and be true to
his wife and family He wants you to take care of them.
You must know when you're one of His those children
who aren't yours biologically are yours from Him.
You Love the cow you Love the calves they're a package
deal and Yah will make a way if He's given them to you.
The birds don't worry about how they're going to be taken
care of and if you're His neither should you too.
As long as I take care of home what if your wife was
out there whoring and was screwing you also.
You know you would want to kill everything that moved
a whoring husband don't make it right don't you know.

inspired by a conversation,
shelly davd wright, poet

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