Friday, October 23, 2009

The Attributes to Love You

"The Attributes to Love You."

When you have the attributes of Love you have
the Fruit of the spirit as named in Galatians 5:22.
Many who say they have the spirit of Yah in them
will reflect the following in their lives you'll see it too.
To Love you I first must have the Fruit in me and those
Fruit don't make you Fruity,(gay) or at all weak.
It is another attack of satan that will condemn many
for untruthfulness against Yah's own that they speak.
Joy is what I'll feel when I rise every morning and see
your face and Love is what I will feel also.
Peace we will have in our home through Patience and
Kindness because the Goodness of Yah in our hearts we know.
I will have Self-control in my life
because Yah is in it He dwells in me.
When I say I Love you you can believe it because there's
no reason to distrust because Trustworthiness is what you see.
Last of all there is Gentleness it's not weakness but strength
to show you my heart through the pureness of sensitivity.
I will Love you not of my own but through Yah because
without His Fruit in your life Love will never be.
Yet you have many who make the wrong choices and yet
they're picking what they are attracted to.
Gorillas, Cavemen, Gold diggers, Witches and Bitches is what
you get when Yah's Love isn't present, this is what you pursue.
The Works of the Flesh is where you are outside of change
you have Adulteries, Whoring, uncleanness within.
News flash Sleeping around on your spouse and whoring
period really isn't pleasure but it's sin.
But you couldn't tell from the Adulterous, Whorish Pastors
who cause Disasters who sleep around on their wives.
What you have is so-called leaders who preach don't do as I
do but what I tell you to, they give mix messages in their lives.
Idolatry, Drug sorcery, Hatred, Quarrels, Jealousies, Fits of rage,
Selfish ambitions, Dissentions, Factions, Murders, Envy, and Drunkenness.
Along with Wild parties, those who practice these shall not
inherit the Kingdom of Yah the Scriptures do address.
The Fruit don't bring upon those you Love domestic
violence, spousal, emotional, verbal, or mental abuses at all.
But those who have the works of the flesh in their lives
are crying everyday watching the world around them fall.

shelly david wright, poet

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