Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Beautiful Big Girls

"Beautiful Big Girls."

Our Sisters come in all sizes but we seem to
just over look those who aren't the smaller size.
We've made many of our Beautiful Big Girls
feel out of place with all these standards of Beauty lies.
Beauty has very little with appearance when you know
what true Love is all about.
Beauty comes in all sizes and shapes so the B.S. that our
Beautiful Big Girls aren't Beautiful we can do without.
Some of the finest women I've ever seen over time became
Beautiful Big Girls and they are still very Beautiful today.
Beautiful Big Girls, Big Boned however you refer to them
it should never be in a derogatory way.
To call them out of their name is not right they don't need
any self esteem issues from stupid name calling.
They are just as Beautiful and some of them are more
Beautiful than those with the attitudes that are appalling.
Beautiful Big Girls need to walk with their heads held
high they're shapely and like I said used to be smaller too.
We all gain weight over time and through stressful situations
so remember the same thing might just happen to you.
We all weren't created to be little different sizes make
up the world around you that you see.
Beautiful Big Girls aren't the size they are from just
eating alone it's the way they were created to be.
Not everyone was meant to be the same size and as we age
the weight will come so don't get caught up with your frame.
Because unless you continually workout and still then our
metabolism slows down so we won't remain the same.
Look at Oprah she is a yo yo dieter she comes down and
goes back up she is not happy with herself at all.
Money doesn't bring you class or self esteem and those who
get into this demonic mindset are sure to fall.
The Nudes they painted were all Big Beautiful Girls full sized
and they weren't ashamed but through them a standard was set.
It was through the dawn of a model named Twiggy that skin
and bones became popular and for many to their dying regret.
Many literally died to get skinny satan destroyed many through
their vanity and anorexia was the result of their insanity.
Beautiful Big Girls aren't the names satan has given you to
them you wouldn't call your Mama fat, so stop the stupidity.

To the Big Beautiful Girls everywhere.
shelly david wright, poet

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