Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dying Daily

"Dying Daily."

The world is talking about Michael Jackson's
"untimely death" but no death is untimely.
We all have an expiration date set for us by
Yah way back in eternity.
From the moment we are born when we take our
first breath death begins we're on our way back.
No matter the causes we all are dying daily
whether it be natural or a heart attack.
Just as we are dying daily we should live
daily let our lives be meaningful too.
Live each day as if it were your last and enjoy as
much as possible no matter what you're going through.
The only plans are Yah's plans and if you're
His, He already has your steps ordered for you.
Your way is prepared to give Him high esteem your
living will never be in vain no matter what you do.
Yet those who have their heaven on earth now
will soon have their hell in Mystery Babylon also.
Right now they are living large and can have
the best of anything but Yah they do not know.
Thanking god doesn't mean they're thanking
Yah their lifestyles tell you who they serve.
Satan is the god of this world but those who
don't have their heaven now Yah will preserve.
This isn't our time now and our treasures
aren't to be stored here.
We who are called by His name will have our
rewards when out of the sky He'll appear.
Yah sees the end from the beginning and
He knows your next step He planned it.
We who serve Him are just vessels of clay
and in His hand we form the perfect fit.
Just as we die daily we should also live daily
with no regrets but walking in His light.
Because there is only one way to live before
Yah and that is to walk before Him right.
The world's elite have untimely deaths but
a time is coming that they'll envy the dead.
Their riches and all that they have will be
meaningless in a short time ahead.

shelly david wright, poet

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