Friday, October 23, 2009

I Don't Want Sex but a Commitment

"I Don’t Want Sex But A Commitment."

I don’t want sex but a commitment I don’t want temporary
but a lifetime to share.
I don’t want a one night stand but every night I don’t want
lust but love because I care.
I don’t want to play but be serious I want a lifetime commitment
with that very special one and only.
Yes I don’t want two or three but the special gift from above
the one that was created just for me.
I don’t want sex because there’s no fulfillment there’s no
commitment and there’s no love.
I want to give her my heart along with flowers because she’s the
most wonderful woman I’m truly fond of.
I don’t want a Boo, a Girlfriend, a Mistress, not a woman on the
side but my prayed for and heaven sent wife.
Like I said I don’t want temporary or short-term but I want
the commitment that lasts for life.
I know there are more females than men, in fact there’s a variety
to choose from all shapes and sizes too.
But I must be honest when I say trying on shoes and clothes is fine
when it comes to a mate my Father has the right fit for you.
Someone selected with your best in mind for you and for them
believe me the Father chooses well.
You don’t have to go through dozens to see if you found the right
one He has your mate chosen I’m happy to tell.
I don’t want sex but a commitment just as many who will read
this they don’t want the temporary anymore.
I want someone who is truly committed to being there for me
also as never before.
In the world we were whores and feeding our fleshly appetite
was our thing.
We wanted sex without the commitment we wanted the Milk for
Free without putting on the ring.
Now I’m a witness that Yah can change you from living in the
Dark to living in the light.
When I craved sex like a drug now I’m set free and I want a
fulfilling commitment because I’ve begun to live right.
I don’t want sex but a commitment I don’t want to play with
anyone the game of “House.”
I’m about pleasing my Father and not my flesh I’m about doing
things His way so I want a spouse.

Shelly David Wright, Poet

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