Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sensitive Loving and Caring

"Sensitive Loving and Caring."

My Sisters you need someone in your life who is
sensitive and Loving who'll show they really Love you.
A man who can show you his true emotions isn't weak
but it takes strength for a man to show emotions that are true.
It is sad that many females are so twisted to accept that
if a man shows emotions or sensitivity he is Gay.
Yet those many think they have the Macho men in their lives
are dialing 911 from getting their asses whipped everyday.
Even the guys who sung Macho Man were Gay yet many
females have bought into this false image of masculinity.
What you need to know is that unless you have Yah's
spirit a son of His a real man you'll never see.
Violence against women is on the rise women are made
punching bags for a Gorilla to take his frustration out on.
You find the ones who disrespect you who don't care about
you and when they've had their fill of you they're gone.
Many of you can't tell the difference between a man and
a male you honestly think they're one and the same.
You even accept the poor ass excuse that a man will be
a man and accept his cheating and that's a damn shame.
What kind of self esteem issues do you have to accept the
fact that a person will cheat you really think low of mankind.
But when you don't know who you are or whose you are in
Yah this is the mindset that you will find.
You're sensitive and caring yet you want someone who is
controlling and will talk to you any kind of way.
He Dogs you out and cheats on you but this is a real
man if I were to listen to what many of you say.
It's sadder still that you respect a male who scares you in
such a manner from fear that he'll go upside your head.
They aren't men just your poor choice you move on and
he kills you and himself they're finding many couples dead.
My Sisters you really need to know that being sensitive and
caring are great traits to have when your children are for him.
A sensitive and Loving man will step up to the plate and be a
father figure and like his own he will truly Love them.
My Sisters sensitive and caring is what you need not a Bully
that's Brutal who doesn't Love nor does he show you any respect.
You need someone more like you who'll show caring, feelings,
emotions, someone who will stand before Yah correct.

shelly david wright, poet

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