Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Deadly Secret

"Deadly Secret."

I was reading a story from the Louisiana Weekly
that I had forwarded to many of you.
A female decided to finally come out and tell her
boyfriend she was HIV positive and she didn't know what he'd do.
They were having unprotected sex and she feels
they can't have unprotected sex anymore.
The truth is he may already be infected
and this news will affect him like nothing ever before.
The writer stated it is usually males who bring it to
females and this occurrence is rare.
I guess women are more faithful than males are
about themselves and their mates they really do care.
Anyway she is infected as many who are infected
and are too hiding a deadly secret today.
Many are out here having unprotected sex knowing
that they're giving more than a part of themselves away.
Males who are sexually active are the biggest carriers
and many sleep around from female to female.
Sadder too if she is out here with more than one partner
there will be an even sadder tale.
AIDS is being spread in ignorance and arrogance
thinking that they're invincible it can't happen to them.
A woman needs to do her homework and protect herself
forget the Let's make a baby drama with him.
Because of disobedience Sex has become very dangerous
scripture is straight up front Don't Whore.
When you do that which you know is wrong
then be prepared for what the Most High has in store.
The Most High designed Sex for marriage and
even in the marriages of the world/satan many still stray.
Sex is an addiction that is purely spiritual
and many hearts are broken when that spouse plays.
Let me state there is a spiritual difference in the marriages
the Most High has joined and those satan joined too.
His spirit will be in those He's selected and Set Apart
unlike those in the world to each other they will be true.
There won't be any deadly secrets to hide for the
bottom line is those He's joined are His, it's that simple.
Together they are one spiritually and their bodies
aren't for whoring anymore, they are His temple.

shelly david wright, poet

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