Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Everyone They've Slept With

"Everyone They've Slept With."

When you have sex with someone you're
having everyone they've slept with too.
Between all those they've slept with and those
you've had there may be thousands in bed with you.
Remember if you're promiscuous you've had your
share and whoever you've had, had their share also
Those bodily fluids and demons you've shared
may number in the thousands for all you know.
Think about it this is the way AIDS can kill hundreds
by the spreading that those who are nasty do.
Everyone who looks clean isn't they are carriers
many know they have it and will still screw.
Everyone they're sleeping with and with you sleeping
around makes this whole thing a mess.
Even if you're just sleeping with them you're still
in the bed with all they've had I got to address.
AIDS is the number 1 killer of black women 26 to 34
and with all those who are cheating and sleeping around.
We have sisters who are living with HIV and dying with
AIDS all over town.
It is sad that many don't think before they get in a bed
their emotions are literally killing them.
They never ask so they don't know who and how many
have ever slept with him.
If he came to you sexually active how many has he
been with or they've been with who he had.
When you look at what's really going on then you
will know that this situation is sad.
Rubbers can only do so much you must remember
that sex is spiritual first.
You see a person but you could be sleeping with demons
your life could truly take a turn for the worst.
AIDS isn't a joke over time I've watched someone
die of it one of the girls he had tore him apart.
But he didn't die alone because when you're loved
you will in dying break someone's heart.
It's not just the two of you in bed there could be thousands
lying there in bodily fluid or in spirit it's a reality.
Only through Yah can this chain be broken and
from lust and whoring you can really be free.

shelly david wright, poet

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