Saturday, October 17, 2009

Girls and Boys Need Their Fathers

"Girls and Boys Need Their Fathers."

There is nothing more important to Yah than the
family yet it has been destroyed through design.
As a part of our affliction the State separated the father
from the family independence from the man the bottom line.
When you throw the natural balance off of what Yah
designed by creating a single parent family.
What you have over the decades is little need for
a man in the house if he can't provide financially.
Brothers are pointing fingers at Sisters and Sisters
are pointing their fingers right back.
Both are blind to the fact that we are still under the
curse and in Captivity it's a spiritual attack.
Many believe that the Brothers are just lazy and are
under achievers they don't want to work or do anything.
There's more than meets the eyes going on and in a few
they'll understand because the drama satan's going to bring.
Through the Willie Lynch family destruction plan
and the independence movement of the Elite.
Our families have been the ones to suffer because
the natural way of a family is truly incomplete.
It's not our way but Yah's way Yeshayahu 3:12 says
our leaders lead us astray, both politically and spiritually.
Integration and a mindset of non-violence with those
who are filled with violence and greed now a mess we see.
Our daughters and our sons are in trouble sure they have more
today yet because they lack morals and values they have less.
Yeshayahu 3:12 also says our youth exert pressure on us
and women rule over us, we have problems Yah will address.
When you look at us as a whole we have the highest rate of
teen pregnancy and HIV/AIDS our children are dying.
Our males are killing each other as if it's hunting season
go to any crime scene and a mother is crying.
Because of our disobedience our people are suffering
our daughters and sons are in disobedience too.
The family was destroyed we are all in this together
the line we are our brother's keeper is true.
Girls and Boys need their fathers and mothers they
need to be whole in a real moral family setting.
But until our captivity is over we will have more days
ahead that we will end up regretting.

shelly david wright, poet

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