Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Be Selective and Not Settle

"Be Selective and Not Settle."

There are too many females settling and not being selective
you need a man and not just a male in your life.
There's a difference, a male only wants to play house
and a man wants to put you in a house to be his wife.
There are too many females who've settled for less
and are now alone because they chose wrong.
Bottom line if he is sexually active you're in trouble
because a relationship built on sex doesn't last long.
Seriously in a time of the pandemic of AIDS you shouldn't
want to experiment with sex there are carriers out here.
All it takes is for you to sleep with the wrong male
and wake with a virus that will make you disappear.
What if you have children you orphan them
a Mother dying of AIDS is a memory they don't need.
You better think about your actions and be more
selective in your choices to this poem take heed.
If all your choices have been bad your type of
male have been a nightmare not a dream come true.
Then you should not look but pray for a man and
leave the males alone, they're not good for you.
Love is more powerful than sex and it comes
with commitment, and loyalty.
You do want someone to respect you and not take you
for granted who will Love you endlessly.
You are an emotional creature why pair up
with a violent caveman and get domestic abused.
Why even play a game with a player your body
should be the temple of the Most High not to be used.
A husband from Yah is far better than a male
sent from satan remember he was the one to attack Eve.
The devil just like males do go after the woman
a caring vessel whom they can easily deceive.
Lies from males have broken many hearts and
destroyed many lives as they screwed along the way.
When you get involved with a male who is only
concerned with ejaculating you're the one to pay.
My sisters this is written in Love and concern
I ask you to be selective or wait on Yah, He has a mate.
He has chosen the perfect one for you when you let
Him be your Father, He has a husband you'll Love and appreciate.

shelly david wright, poet

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