Saturday, October 17, 2009

Make Sure You Can Eat Off of it Too

"Make Sure You Can Eat off of it Too."

When you pass the plate on to someone make sure
when it comes back you can eat off of it too.
This was a saying the late Tim Moore used when
he would talk about an issue or situation to you.
He used it one time when he had to console a
friend whose wife had been cheating on him.
The thing is he couldn't take what he was doing
himself like most males I mean many of them.
It's not a male's prerogative to cheat there's no place
in Scripture where you find Yah says it's ok to do.
And I feel sorry for those who accept the excuse of
him being a man because Hell he'll put them through.
You see as long as he was cheating he was alright
having his women on the side and his wife at home.
But his world fell apart when he found out she was
seeing someone else, her heart started to roam.
He was crushed and cried he was hurt but did he
ever consider how did he make her feel.
Did her feelings even matter to him when he was
laying with someone else, please let's be real.
The bottom line is cheating is wrong period no matter
who is doing it, it's called Adultery and it's wrong to do so.
Every unrepented sin will secure a place in the Lake of
Fire Yah's going to deal with them you better know.
When you think you are creeping don't be surprised
if your spouse one day does the same thing
Because when you hurt someone hurt to yourself
you will bring.
Make sure when you pass the plate when it comes back
you can eat off of it or pass it at all.
If you could even fathom what Love was really about
your wife would be enough you wouldn't make a booty call.
There are many who feel it's their right to cheat and it's
Yah's right to punish you for breaking His commandment.
If you want to cheat just be prepared to deal with what
is to follow and what follows is harsh punishment.
If you're going to be a whore stay single don't hurt no one
but yourself why destroy someone else's life.
This goes too for you women who creep around who wants
to be married to a woman you can trust, a cheating wife.
To whom it may be concerned when you pass that plate
when it comes back you may not like what's coming back.
Be it male or female when you creep, it's not about the sex
but it's far more it's about your life in a spiritual attack.

In remembrance of Timothy Moore
shelly david wright, poet

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