Wednesday, October 14, 2009



If you could count all the stars in heaven
and multiply them with all the fish in the sea.
Then add all the clouds and the birds that fly
under them you would be counting endlessly.
If you could take the heat of the sun and turn it
into passion that could never be put out.
Then you would know what a true love is
what a genuine love is all about.
If you count all the people from Adam to those who
aren't even born as of yet.
Then add those to every love song that was ever sung
and all the ones that you'll never forget.
Then add all the thoughts that make you happy
and multiply them times three.
Then you'll begin to understand the love that you
have and the emotions that are inside of me.
If you could know the number of the Angels Yah created
and multiply them to everything He created from above.
Then you could know that the whole universe
could never contain our love.
If I could fly through space and time visiting the
solar systems I'd name every star and planet after you.
But since I can't I'll give you my heart
because you are my dream come true.
If is a small word but it has huge possibilities
with an imagination and you're in love too.
Because if you had superpowers for the one you love
there wouldn't be anything you wouldn't do.
If I could I'd give you the world but all I could do
is give you the simple things that money can't buy.
And that is my devotion to you commitment, loyalty,
honesty, respect, and honor with the help of the Most High.
If I could give you anything from diamonds to
mansions they would just be things only.
Compared to the contents of my heart that has
been renewed by Yah inwardly.
Let's forget about If and I'll do what's in my power
and that is to give you my whole heart and my life.
And writing you the sweetest proposal poem
asking you to be my wife.

shelly david wright, poet

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