Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Damaged Goods

"Damaged Goods."

There are many of us who have given their hearts
to someone who was truly void of Love.
Those who only had an agenda and would use any
means necessary and any lie they could think of.
To either get their way in your life by deceiving
you into thinking they cared about you.
But all many ended up with broken hearts and
being disappointed by what they'd be sent through.
Many are emotionally destroyed and are in need
of a healing and many hide their feelings now too.
Their heart is behind a wall they've built within, males and
females are in fear of getting hurt again you know it's true.
Trust is not easily given once you've been hurt it's
hard to believe if they're telling you the truth or not.
Many have been broken and have become bitter and
cold a trust for you they really haven't got.
Damaged goods are those who've been hurt they
trusted in someone who was themselves hurt before.
Many will take their hurt out on everyone hurting
them first instead of being hurt anymore.
We are in need of an emotional healing from Yah
He is the only one who can undo what satan has done.
Yah is able to feed us emotionally with true Love
by bringing us into the understanding of being one.
Damaged goods abused people hurt by those who
promised to Love them or told the I Love You lie.
Satan knows we are creatures who need Love and
to feel Love and many hearts are dead and dry.
They're only after getting all they can out of you not
caring about you because satan has turned them out.
He is the god of this world and he cannot give Love
but Lust and whoring is what he's all about.
There are many who are still messed up who were
seeking to be Loved from someone void of it.
Two who came together in the name of Love but
what they had wasn't for them the perfect fit.
They became damaged by someone who is damaged
who only told them what they wanted to hear.
Their plan was to deceive them like their father
by touching their hearts through their ear.

inspired by: Felicia Gail
shelly david wright, poet

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