Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Attractive Doesn't Mean Beautiful

"Attractive Doesn't Mean Beautiful."

In fact some of the most attractive females aren't
Beautiful at all many have a messed up attitude.
They feel their looks entitle them to have a persona
that makes them look down on others and be rude.
The most Beautiful women I know aren't in smaller
sizes it's not the size of your dress but your heart.
They're Beautiful where it counts within them
that truly makes them a Heaven sent work of art.
Some of those who think they're all that are alone
they're single and starving for attention too.
But if you don't look like what they feel they
deserve they won't even talk to you.
Sad thing is the one their father satan sends
them they'll talk to and get messed over also.
He will send Miss Too Pretty for Herself a
jerk like herself who too is all about show.
They're the ones who get beaten and abused
by the Caveman who treats her like dirt.
And with her girlfriends this devil who is
her perfect mate will flirt.
You hear the stories where she'll go out
and cheat too just like him.
But when her greatest enemy her mouth opens
and she shows her ass her life gets grim.
In a jealous rage he gets a gun and not understanding
his manhood comes out and shoots her in the head.
Then he kills himself so he won't literally get screwed
over in prison and satan now has two of his own dead.
No one is that fine looks are very deceptive and those
who think they're all that are wrong.
They will find out to their own regret and in this time
of reaping believe me it won't take long.
Attractive doesn't mean Beautiful many who believe
this are possessed by spirits fine is not all that.
Especially when you know that Blind, Cripple, or
Crazy males are addicted to anyone with a Cat.
Attractive with an attitude makes you unattractive
not the center of attention or the universe as you may think.
Beautiful doesn't mean attractive Beauty is of the
heart let this in your mindset sink.

shelly david wright, poet

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