Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sexual History Report

"Sexual History Report."

Too bad people couldn't come like some cars
but with a report of their sexual history.
Because some of them you would leave where
they are and many others you'd just let be.
Many have real high mileage or should I say
many sexual partners and their spirits too.
You need to remember that everyone they've
had those spirits are bound to cling to you.
Check out their attitudes if it's all about them
leave them where they are standing.
Some think their stuff don't stink and they're
very controlling and demanding.
Listen to the sounds of the mouths running
listen to if they start out lying in high gear.
Many sputter out lies from jump street and
before you know, you have some B.S. in your ear.
Look at the shape they're in but don't just take
them on being fine and looks alone.
Because many physically are on their way out
now before too long their figures will be gone.
No one was or ever that fine they're just legends in their
own mind but fine is like leaves they're all over the tree.
Everywhere you look every where you turn your head
one more finer than the other is all you will see.
What counts is under the hood the engine their heart
now see how good of shape that it's in.
Because many times it has been broken, abused,
and battered and it may be a hard one to win.
No matter what they look like on the outside it is the
heart that counts remember satan was perfect in Beauty.
He was a Pretty Boy and it went to his head he is the
father of the attitude where "it's all about me."
If people came with a sexual history report STD's and
AIDS wouldn't be so common place because you'll stay clear.
But because there is a spirit of whoring in the world
those plagues man made or caused will still be here.
My sexual history report states I've had 3 relationships
and one was my wife and I'm a Hebrew and celibate today.
I'm a one owner person who Loves a drive through the
country I'm not fast or high maintenance and games I don't play.

shelly david wright, poet

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