Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Let Me Kiss You in Every Culture

"Let Me Kiss You in every Culture."

Honey let me kiss you in every culture
from French kissing to Japanese.
We can kiss in German, African,
Russian and Portuguese.
No matter what culture we choose let's
kiss and enjoy every moment as we press our lips.
I want you to feel it all over from your toes
right down to your finger tips.
I want to kiss you all over from the Hottest
spots to those that are cold.
From east to west and all points in between
from way at the North to the South Pole.
Let's be passionate and hot as fire and let me
send a current through you like electricity.
Let's make a spark that would set the sheets
on fire with our torrid intimacy.
In marriage Passion and affection is the key
let your imagination roam free.
Do whatever you feel experiment on each
other be very passionately.
Use your fingers and discover each other
the sense of touch is one you'll appreciate.
Run your fingers everywhere up and
down the front and back of your mate.
It's not about pleasing self but each other
the Ice box is Frigid you should not be.
Search by candlelight and soft music listen
for the moans from what she feels inwardly.
Romance and not Lust is what she desires
she is special and so is he.
Approach him, arouse him, place your hand
in a place where he can't see.
Take control from him and make him jump
make your husband boy up and scream.
You both need to enjoy each other in the
sweetest and sexiest way to let off some steam.
Let me kiss you in every culture all over
and make Love to you in your heart and mind first.
Let's speak in an unknown language of moaning
after we've arrived at our destination quenching
our thirst.

OK celibate guy feels passion too.
shelly david wright, poet

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