Friday, October 23, 2009

Someone Very Special

"Someone Very Special."

This is what we all want in our lives but
ask yourself will you be special to them too.
Will you place them first in your life
and first in their life will they place you.
Someone very special is what we must be
first to ourselves before we can be sent someone.
I say sent because when you rely on Yah for
everything in your life this is how it's done.
My stand is He created me and He knows who
is best for me in fact He chose her long ago.
I must wait and be prepared for her through
the trials and tribulations that He makes so.
When we look satan is out there and he
will send you someone who is trouble.
Sure they'll be what pleases your eyes but
the confusion in your life will be double.
How many of you are in horrible
relationships that you want to get out of.
Involved with someone who you thought was
the right one now that person you don't even Love.
In fact you treat them like a disease has come
upon your life and you're trying to get rid of it.
Many of you have someone you wish you
never met this truth I'm sure you're ready to admit.
I'm 54 and I want to marry again I want to be
blessed with that special someone to share my life.
I want to fall in Love with the one and only
that Yah has chosen to be my wife.
I now know what I didn't know back then and I
know that the answer isn't sex but Love from a clean heart.
I know that He is the foundation my head, and tail
of marriage if I place Him first He will do His part.
I am someone special because He dwells within
and it is His Love that I have within me.
A Love that has always been before time began
a Love that is eternally.
Someone very special is who we pray for and that
special someone should be us as well.
We need to be very special we should be special
first to Yah then our mates I'm glad to tell.

shelly david wright, poet

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