Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nothing Less Than being a Wife

"Nothing Less Than Being A Wife."

If you’re good enough to sleep with a man then
you should be good enough to be his wife.
Not his woman, not his boo, especially not his fool
but the one to share his life.
You should not want anything less than being a wife
why would you want to settle for less?
If anything you should be with the one you plan to marry
before you ever undress.
Too many are living alone already after being a Free Sample
for someone.
They discarded them like the rubber they wore
after they were done.
Single parent families and men on child support
these are the results when you don’t learn to say No.
If you become an easy lay just to have a man then without
commitment he will make you a Ho.
It is far too late after you’ve missed your period and your
stomach rises to see if he will be there for you.
They just move on to the next one willing to open wider her
legs and get her pregnant too.
There are too many broken heart stories barriers built up around
the hearts of women who have become cold.
And many go into relationships not trusting and weary
being and becoming more bitter as they grow old.
I’m writing this to empower you and encourage you not to
settle for less but to hold out for what is right.
Because you will be blessed to have your own husband
on your wedding night.
Nothing less than being a wife is what you should have
in your heart and in your mind.
He that has found a wife has found a good thing
why not make yourself that good find.
You should not settling be for less never
you should be hoping to be his spouse.
Believe me you are worth more to him in being his wife
you will bring joy to your house.
You’re good enough to marry you are good enough to carry
his last name.
If he can’t see the most wonderful thing to ever happen
to his life then I would say it’s a shame.

Shelly David Wright, Poet

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