Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't Be the Demonstrator

"Don't Be the Demonstrator."

When you go to the dealership to buy a vehicle
you test drive the demonstrator not the actual one.
When you make your choice they prepare it for you
to take home you put on the big smile when they're done.
My Sisters don't be good enough to test drive in fact
don't be the demonstrator be the one that he'll buy.
Don't be the one that everyone that comes to the
dealership gets in and gives it a try.
If you're good enough for sex then you're good enough
to marry stop settling you're in the driver's seat.
He wants a test drive but you need to say No!
you're more than worthy to be a wife I'll repeat.
Don't go with the foolish mindset of "You gotta get yours"
because you'll always be the demonstrator.
You'll be the one who will continue to be driven for a
short time and when they're through, it's see you later.
I have daughters and friends who I Love and I don't
want them to go through this insanity.
A male will sleep with a whore but he'll want to marry
a virgin, you need to be the Gem he'll pray to marry.
You're special and you're in the driver's seat he wants
what's between your legs so you should make the deal.
He's not driving nothing off the lot until he is ready
to fully commit and it's gotta be about Love to be real.
Sex is the worst reason to marry someone if it's your
behind he's after he'll hit yours because there's more.
The self esteem factor with some of our sisters is low
many will be happy being a demonstrator his whore.
We need to encourage them that sex isn't Love nor will
it lead to a commitment but it can lead to shame.
Why sleep with someone taking the chance of getting his
diseases and demons and never carrying his last name.
You need to realize that you're special and you're good
enough to marry you're not a demonstrator at all.
You're a Queen a Princess and never a whore when the
phone rings hang the Hell up on the Booty Call.
Don't be the demonstrator be the one to go off the lot
be the one he'll cherish and treasure and take care of.
It's sad that some males take better care of their vehicles
than the one they really claim to Love.

inspired by: Meisha Fisher
shelly david wright, poet

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