Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Become a None

"Become a None."

Yes I spelled it right None like in
he gets none until he commits and says I Do.
If you're good enough for him to Bang then
you're good enough to get a Ring too.
My Sisters all of your problems start when you
say yes to sex and give the Milk for Free.
You're on your way to becoming a statistic another
Baby Mama instead of someone special to marry.
Don't you know males aren't looking to marry his
Baby's Mama but someone totally new.
Think about it once you give in and say yes to sex
then you're not a challenge anymore he's had you.
For those who do shack up or Play House when you
finally get married it doesn't even last long.
Bottom line is you cannot make something right
as in marriage after you two started out wrong.
Sex is a bad reason to marry, that and having
a baby are two of the worst too.
Marriages for any other reason than Love is
a gamble and you know it's true.
Become a None and give none away you're a
precious pearl don't you know.
Why give yourself before you're married
you may end up dating many males, just say No.
Truth is a male does not respect a female who he's
had or having, marriage may not be on his mind.
It may not be on yours but neither is being
his whore when he goes in your behind.
I know marriage only works when Love is its
foundation but it's better than being his whore.
If he really Loves you like he says he'll wait until
the wedding night for someone he says he adores.
My Sisters you hold the key become a none having
sex with him doesn't guarantee he'll be in your life.
Having a baby doesn't mean he'll stay but it may
run him away from making you a wife.
The truth is "Good Pussy" is born out of Lust and an
addiction to sex as well it really is a mind thing.
You're worthy to wed to be a wife just become a
none and give none until the wedding ring.

shelly david wright, poet

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