Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Are You a Queen

"Are You a Queen."

The question is are you a Queen? many use that title
but being a Queen is a title that should be given to you.
By the person that truly realizes that he has a Prize
his prayed for prayer in due season come true.
A Queen is the wife of one King her husband
a Queen is respected and respects herself, she doesn't sleep around.
A Queen is the Virtuous wife Yah created her to be
she is known for more than her appearance in town.
Queen Esther won a beauty contest on the physical
and the hearts of many by her inner beauty too.
A Queen is known for her personality she brings Joy to her castle
and her family in everything she puts her heart to do.
Yah has His princess daughters whom He makes Queens
at the appointed time He allows her King to find his Prize.
Two who were chosen for each other that fills
his heart with Joy and delight and all he sees with his eyes.
You are a Queen and I'm speaking in the prophetic because you
are Princesses now awaiting to become that wife.
You are being prepared through your circumstances
Trials, Tribulations, Tests and Adversities have changed your life.
You are a Queen who will overcome the world
and your biggest enemy You, that person must die.
You will be shaped into His image, taking on His character
you're no longer the old you will be the temple of the Most High.
Releasing that which is not like Him daily as you grow
into the bride your Heavenly Father will be proud of.
You no longer rely on emotions that have allowed so many
heartaches and heart breaks you will now have His Love.
The person you used to be wasn't worthy to be called a Queen
of the Most High, but a Jezebel.
The person you used to be you're not anymore those
who see you notice the difference, they can tell.
You're no longer the woman/mother you used to be
you no longer serve satan as you did in the dark.
You were called from darkness to the Light of the
Most High, it wasn't easy not a walk in the park.
Now you're a Princess of Yah fresh from a journey of change
that led you from satan to the warmth of the Light.
You're a Queen of Yah your King is coming
your Wedding Night will be blessed with much Joy and Delight.

You are a Queen!
shelly david wright, poet

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