Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Close Your Eyes and Feel

"Close Your Eyes and Feel."

Our eyes could be a hindrance, they lie
to us and they could be our enemy.
Because they cannot see the contents of
a heart because only on the outside they see.
The physical appearance has been the undoing
of many males and females looking for someone nice.
It is because the eyes Lust instead of Love many
have chosen wrong looking for a mate and paid a price.
Close your eyes and feel the sensitivity of a person
opposites attract problems you need someone like you.
Someone with your values, standards, and morals
someone who trusts and believes in Yah just like you do.
Bottom line the worst mistake a lot of females think
they can change a person only Yah can do that.
No matter how much of the power of persuasion
she think she has in her puddy tat.
There are spirits at work they'll either have the
spirit of Yah or the spirit of satan in them.
If you're one of satan's then you're guaranteed
to meet one of his with his spirit in him.
Close your eyes and feel you have emotional
needs and you need someone with sensitivity.
You need to have someone with the Love
of Yah a pure Love inwardly.
Someone who will be Committed and Devoted,
who'll be Loyal, Honest, and Trustworthy also.
Not what the world has to offer the Hit it
Quit it and Forget it then let you go.
Close your eyes and feel with your
heart and listen with it too.
Listen to hear what they have to say
to see if they're telling you what's true.
Close your eyes and feel the physical
appearance is a small part of the pie.
Remember Lucifer was created perfect in Beauty
but his ways and attitude was so Ugly and that's no lie.
Close your eyes and feel the Beauty of a person it's not
a flesh to flesh but a heart to heart relationship you need.
Someone who is caring and loving who treasures and
cherishes you, someone your emotional appetite they'll feed.

shelly david wright, poet

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