Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sensitive Loving and Caring

"Sensitive Loving and Caring."

My Sisters you need someone in your life who is
sensitive and Loving who'll show they really Love you.
A man who can show you his true emotions isn't weak
but it takes strength for a man to show emotions that are true.
It is sad that many females are so twisted to accept that
if a man shows emotions or sensitivity he is Gay.
Yet those many think they have the Macho men in their lives
are dialing 911 from getting their asses whipped everyday.
Even the guys who sung Macho Man were Gay yet many
females have bought into this false image of masculinity.
What you need to know is that unless you have Yah's
spirit a son of His a real man you'll never see.
Violence against women is on the rise women are made
punching bags for a Gorilla to take his frustration out on.
You find the ones who disrespect you who don't care about
you and when they've had their fill of you they're gone.
Many of you can't tell the difference between a man and
a male you honestly think they're one and the same.
You even accept the poor ass excuse that a man will be
a man and accept his cheating and that's a damn shame.
What kind of self esteem issues do you have to accept the
fact that a person will cheat you really think low of mankind.
But when you don't know who you are or whose you are in
Yah this is the mindset that you will find.
You're sensitive and caring yet you want someone who is
controlling and will talk to you any kind of way.
He Dogs you out and cheats on you but this is a real
man if I were to listen to what many of you say.
It's sadder still that you respect a male who scares you in
such a manner from fear that he'll go upside your head.
They aren't men just your poor choice you move on and
he kills you and himself they're finding many couples dead.
My Sisters you really need to know that being sensitive and
caring are great traits to have when your children are for him.
A sensitive and Loving man will step up to the plate and be a
father figure and like his own he will truly Love them.
My Sisters sensitive and caring is what you need not a Bully
that's Brutal who doesn't Love nor does he show you any respect.
You need someone more like you who'll show caring, feelings,
emotions, someone who will stand before Yah correct.

shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Beauty of Love

"The Beauty of Love."

The Beauty of Love is heartfelt and when you're
Loved by that special someone you want the world to know.
Because this special treasure that you cherish most of
all will put a smile on your face that will glow.
Their every word is a lyric and their voice is a melody
that you sing every morning deep in your heart.
You smile because you're in Love every time you
open your eyes when your day starts.
The Beauty of Love is seen clearly when I look
into your eyes and see my future with you.
The Love I feel way down deep in my heart
makes me know that you're my dream come true.
Out of all the Most High could have given me He
showed off and blessed me so much more.
He gave me someone who is my everything
who I shall forever Love and adore.
The Beauty of Love is so wonderful and in my
life you are my every need answered believe me.
The Beauty of Love is everything special in life
and that Beauty when I look into your eyes is all I see.
The Beauty of Love is so amazing the way I feel about
you and all the thoughts I have about you in my life.
You're so special and true and you're the one I've
yearned for and need to become my wife.
You complete me in every way and you compliment
me I'm whole because of your sweet Love.
The Beauty of your Love makes me smile when I see your
face you're the one without wings who came from above.
The Beauty of Love is truly more than I knew could exist
when I fell in Love with you and I vowed to you in wedded bliss.
When we sealed our heart together to become one forever
when we both said I Do and then we kissed.
The Beauty of Love is saying I Love you from my heart
and expressing it to you everyday continually.
When I wrap my arms around you I'm holding what is most
precious in all of the world to me a Love eternally.
The Beauty of Love is truly heavenly when we both share
the spirit of Love when we come together intimately.
Two who were chosen to make up the unity of
one bonded by Yah to fit perfectly.

Title by: Olaiya
shelly david wright, poet

Beautiful Big Girls

"Beautiful Big Girls."

Our Sisters come in all sizes but we seem to
just over look those who aren't the smaller size.
We've made many of our Beautiful Big Girls
feel out of place with all these standards of Beauty lies.
Beauty has very little with appearance when you know
what true Love is all about.
Beauty comes in all sizes and shapes so the B.S. that our
Beautiful Big Girls aren't Beautiful we can do without.
Some of the finest women I've ever seen over time became
Beautiful Big Girls and they are still very Beautiful today.
Beautiful Big Girls, Big Boned however you refer to them
it should never be in a derogatory way.
To call them out of their name is not right they don't need
any self esteem issues from stupid name calling.
They are just as Beautiful and some of them are more
Beautiful than those with the attitudes that are appalling.
Beautiful Big Girls need to walk with their heads held
high they're shapely and like I said used to be smaller too.
We all gain weight over time and through stressful situations
so remember the same thing might just happen to you.
We all weren't created to be little different sizes make
up the world around you that you see.
Beautiful Big Girls aren't the size they are from just
eating alone it's the way they were created to be.
Not everyone was meant to be the same size and as we age
the weight will come so don't get caught up with your frame.
Because unless you continually workout and still then our
metabolism slows down so we won't remain the same.
Look at Oprah she is a yo yo dieter she comes down and
goes back up she is not happy with herself at all.
Money doesn't bring you class or self esteem and those who
get into this demonic mindset are sure to fall.
The Nudes they painted were all Big Beautiful Girls full sized
and they weren't ashamed but through them a standard was set.
It was through the dawn of a model named Twiggy that skin
and bones became popular and for many to their dying regret.
Many literally died to get skinny satan destroyed many through
their vanity and anorexia was the result of their insanity.
Beautiful Big Girls aren't the names satan has given you to
them you wouldn't call your Mama fat, so stop the stupidity.

To the Big Beautiful Girls everywhere.
shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Love and Want All of You

"I Love and Want All of You."

Not just your Beautiful eyes and your nice firm
thighs not just your pretty legs but all of you.
Not just your radiant smile and your sweet little
nose and full lips but the whole I pursue.
Not just your well proportioned frame that has more
curves than a California highway front and back too.
I want the total package I Love and want all of you
from head to toe you're my dream come true.
You're more than eyes have ever seen or imagined
but your Beauty is spiritual and emotional also.
Your words are filled with wisdom and Love and from
your conversation it's the Most High of Heaven you know.
I'm not concerned with or after what's between your legs but
what's between your ears and in your heart matters to me.
The physical is just a portion of the whole sum of a
person the real lies within them spiritually.
I Love and want all of you your passions your problems
that through prayer we can find an answer to.
Going before our Heavenly Father together as
one in spirit is what we shall always commit to do.
The whole person is a physical, spiritual, and emotional
creation there's so much more to them than what we see.
When you Love someone you must Love them for
who they are with all sincerity.
It's not about the world what they have to offer
or what they have in their bank account.
Because all the dollars in the world can't buy or equal
to a person that Loves you for any amount.
Nothing compares to a true Love and when you Love
each other there's healing to your heart and life.
Then Yah gives you His blessings when He joins
you two together as husband and wife.
Not just your pretty feet or your round ankles not just
your pretty soft skin or your cute little ears as well.
Not just your little hands and your pretty fingers
not just your little tummy and sweet round tail.
I Love and want all of you in your entirety
you're all that's pure and sweet.
I know that I have all my needs answered in you
because through you Yah has made my life complete.

written October 25th 2009
shelly david wright, poet

It Feels Like 5th Grade

"It Feels Like 5th Grade."

It feels like 5th grade and you're the prettiest
girl in the whole entire class.
Being shy my mouth won't open to say hi, I'm
a Chicken so I just look in the hallway when you pass.
Those are memories and they seem to be coming
back and my shyness I thought I out grew.
Up until I again saw the prettiest girl but this time
in life I got weak when my eyes fell on you.
It feels like the 5th grade and you are an Angel,
a Princess, and a Beautiful Hebrew Queen.
From head to toe you've got to be the prettiest
girl in the world I've ever seen.
It feels like the 5th grade and I have my first real
crush and I'm just too shy to say anything.
I'm taking every penny I can get or find and placing
them in the Bubble gum machine to get the perfect ring.
To go along with the poem Roses are Red Violets are Blue
I want to fall in Love and Marry my Dream come true.
Now finding the courage to walk over to you is what
my mind is thinking but my feet don't want to move too.
It feels like the 5th grade the way my heart beats when I
look your way your smile has captured my heart.
More Beautiful than the Mona Lisa or anything an artist
could imagine you are truly a heavenly work of art.
It feels like the 5th grade and you've taken me
back to a time things were so much simpler for me.
Where I would day dream of just holding your hand
and instead of the words in the book it was your face I'd see.
Unlike the 5th grade you're more than just pretty
your total Beauty is truly overwhelming and heartfelt.
King Kong would have a little heart swirling around
his head one look at you and his heart would melt.
Your personality your kindness the soft spoken way
you convey the emotions you feel.
I praise the day my eyes were blessed to look upon
you nothing ever before in my heart felt so real.
It feels like the 5th grade again but this time you're
not just the prettiest girl but the most Beautiful one totally.
Unlike the 5th grade I'm not about to let you get away
and I hope you'll say yes when I propose matrimony.

written October 25th 2009
shelly david wright, poet

Monday, October 26, 2009

Love is Continual Forgiveness

"Love is Continual Forgiveness."

Love is continual forgiveness
no matter what they do.
I know it isn't easy especially when
the flesh is still trying to hold on to you.
While we are still in captivity we are going to be
faced with those who will do you wrong and cannot see.
Some are still in the flesh as being unconscious while others
are playing a part because they're trapped by captivity.
Job while in captivity was left with his wife to plague him
while everyone else in his household had died.
The emotional toll was so much for him that he
wished he wasn't born while he was being tried.
After Yah released Job from captivity he and his
wife had 7 more children the Love of Job came back.
Yah had to make Job understand that he was tried
as we everyday when we are under a spiritual attack.
Love is continual forgiveness we should pray Father
forgive them for they do not understand they're wrong.
Yah allotted a certain amount of time for our captivity
and that time is winding down our release won't be too long.
We will have our hearts healed from all of the drama in
our lives that Yah has allowed to take place.
Through His spirit we're going to forget and forgive those
who wronged us and from our hearts the wrong he'll erase.
Love is continual forgiveness because the spirit
in us makes it happen when we know.
The Love of Yah and a true understanding of being in
captivity although sometimes in our actions it doesn't show.
There's drama between the conscious and the unconscious
Hebrew there is constant stress in our family.
We are emotionally sent to a place
where we don't want to be.
Patience and understanding are the keys when you know
the people or person cannot see what's going on at all.
We must continually forgive them for what they
do unless we like them will get caught up and fall.
Love is continual forgiveness many times taking Low
saying I'm sorry first is the way for the Meek to go.
When we claim wrong Yah will make us right and it's
about peace, Love, and doing what's right also.

written October 25th 2009
shelly david wright, poet

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Don't Want Sex but a Commitment

"I Don’t Want Sex But A Commitment."

I don’t want sex but a commitment I don’t want temporary
but a lifetime to share.
I don’t want a one night stand but every night I don’t want
lust but love because I care.
I don’t want to play but be serious I want a lifetime commitment
with that very special one and only.
Yes I don’t want two or three but the special gift from above
the one that was created just for me.
I don’t want sex because there’s no fulfillment there’s no
commitment and there’s no love.
I want to give her my heart along with flowers because she’s the
most wonderful woman I’m truly fond of.
I don’t want a Boo, a Girlfriend, a Mistress, not a woman on the
side but my prayed for and heaven sent wife.
Like I said I don’t want temporary or short-term but I want
the commitment that lasts for life.
I know there are more females than men, in fact there’s a variety
to choose from all shapes and sizes too.
But I must be honest when I say trying on shoes and clothes is fine
when it comes to a mate my Father has the right fit for you.
Someone selected with your best in mind for you and for them
believe me the Father chooses well.
You don’t have to go through dozens to see if you found the right
one He has your mate chosen I’m happy to tell.
I don’t want sex but a commitment just as many who will read
this they don’t want the temporary anymore.
I want someone who is truly committed to being there for me
also as never before.
In the world we were whores and feeding our fleshly appetite
was our thing.
We wanted sex without the commitment we wanted the Milk for
Free without putting on the ring.
Now I’m a witness that Yah can change you from living in the
Dark to living in the light.
When I craved sex like a drug now I’m set free and I want a
fulfilling commitment because I’ve begun to live right.
I don’t want sex but a commitment I don’t want to play with
anyone the game of “House.”
I’m about pleasing my Father and not my flesh I’m about doing
things His way so I want a spouse.

Shelly David Wright, Poet

Just Friends

"Just Friends."

First of all let's get one thing straight you don't
have sex with your friends this isn't cool.
When they say you're just friends they're not
looking for commitment but just a fool.
And you who hear the one sided stories of these
married people and you end up sleeping with them.
You are just as guilty as he is for his Adultery
if he cheats on his wife how can you trust him.
Same thing for you females who creep out on your
husbands you can't justify your whoring at call.
No matter what he supposedly done you will
be the one to pay for it when you fall.
Yah doesn't sleep nor is He deaf and dumb He
is keeping an account on those things you do.
You think you're living under grace but it's a
disgrace to purposely sin and Yah will get you.
Just friends is a cop out on responsibility and
if you accept this you're not looking to be a wife.
Why not be a whore because that's what he'll
make you if you'll just be his friend for life.
I'm not sorry for having morals and values
and I have to share the them in this poetry.
It is my commission to write to open eyes and
step on toes in hopes that the truth you'll see.
Just friends and that's all, you should be worthy
and wait if he truly Loves you he'll make you his bride.
If he Loves you he'll be responsible and will also
be committed and devoted a fact you cannot hide.
Same thing she won't play around on the Brothers
she won't accept being your friend but your spouse.
Why would you want anything less than to be the one
to carry his last name and be the Queen of the house.
Males and females believe in that just friends thing
sleeping around uncommitted is pure insanity.
Sex ain't nothing without Love but a screw why cut
yourself short when you can go for the matrimony.
Just friends I talk to my friends my friends aren't
taken to bed and I wouldn't cheat on them believe me.
Friends are like family and in many cases are my
family you don't screw your friends that's stupidity.

From a conversation with Connie
shelly david wright, poet

Someone Very Special

"Someone Very Special."

This is what we all want in our lives but
ask yourself will you be special to them too.
Will you place them first in your life
and first in their life will they place you.
Someone very special is what we must be
first to ourselves before we can be sent someone.
I say sent because when you rely on Yah for
everything in your life this is how it's done.
My stand is He created me and He knows who
is best for me in fact He chose her long ago.
I must wait and be prepared for her through
the trials and tribulations that He makes so.
When we look satan is out there and he
will send you someone who is trouble.
Sure they'll be what pleases your eyes but
the confusion in your life will be double.
How many of you are in horrible
relationships that you want to get out of.
Involved with someone who you thought was
the right one now that person you don't even Love.
In fact you treat them like a disease has come
upon your life and you're trying to get rid of it.
Many of you have someone you wish you
never met this truth I'm sure you're ready to admit.
I'm 54 and I want to marry again I want to be
blessed with that special someone to share my life.
I want to fall in Love with the one and only
that Yah has chosen to be my wife.
I now know what I didn't know back then and I
know that the answer isn't sex but Love from a clean heart.
I know that He is the foundation my head, and tail
of marriage if I place Him first He will do His part.
I am someone special because He dwells within
and it is His Love that I have within me.
A Love that has always been before time began
a Love that is eternally.
Someone very special is who we pray for and that
special someone should be us as well.
We need to be very special we should be special
first to Yah then our mates I'm glad to tell.

shelly david wright, poet

My Heaven is with You

"My Heaven is with You."

In the park under a tree lying on a blanket
the birds are chirping and the squirrels are running about.
I'm with my real life blessing from Heaven
the one that my heart won't let me live without.
Musiq Soulchild plays as we look into each other's eyes
hearts are beating as we come close to kiss.
This day is so beautiful for with you I'm in Heaven
the last plane from a volcanic island I'd rather miss.
We are on an African treasure hunt there are
diamonds and gold that I'll be forsaking.
Because I'm with an Exquisite and Priceless treasure
who is in all the world breath taking.
My Heaven is with you my Love
although I've never been there before.
You are the love of my life in several lifetimes over
my love with each breath I love you more.
For years I have prayed and I have waited
I saved myself for that special moment on our wedding night.
We will cause the Angels to shout for Joy
as we experience each other for the first time in sheer delight.
We will be all that and then some to each other
we will be the example of what marriage was meant to be.
What we will experience in the spirit
won't be nothing short of Heavenly.
When we consummate our marriage
the only spirit we'll have in us will be our Father above.
We will really make love for love will be in us
the spirit of Yah is nothing but pure love.
We could be on an excursion into the Rain forest
but the most beautiful object there will be you.
You are more beautiful than eyes are capable of seeing
you are the love of my life a zillion dreams come true.
Yah placed you in my life so I must be special to Him
He's given me much more than I prayed for everyday.
When He brought you into my life every disappointment
I ever had was simply wiped away.
He gave me a part of Himself in you a true love a deep love
you are best part of living my life.
Beyond my wildest dreams He gave me Heaven in you
my Heaven is with you because you are my wife.

for all you Romantics out there.
It's Spring again.
shelly david wright, poet

Let Me Hold You with My Heart

"Let Me Hold You with My Heart."

Let me hold you in my arms but with my whole heart
and all the Love that I have deep down inside of me.
Let me Love you with all my heart and feel all I
never knew I could feel with you so intimately.
Let me wrap my arms around your warm body
so precious you are with a Love so passionately.
Let me hold you until we merge into one so delicate
you are so sweet and soft as I hold you affectionately.
Rather behind you or in front of you just to hold
you to embrace you is a healing to my soul and heart.
There isn't anything or anyone who could come from
anywhere who could separate us now or pull my arms apart.
I have in my arms a treasure sent from Heaven a very
precious package that I promise to guard with my life.
Silver and Gold are meaningless compared to what I have
in my arms because the Most High has given me a wife.
Let me hold you with my heart yet in my arms to feel
to touch your soft body with my fingers and lips as well.
I promise to touch to caress you ever so gently and make
you feel so Loved and appreciated without fail.
Every moment will not be lost but captured in my heart
my arms around your waist as I hold your body tight.
From Yah came more than I could have ever known
to pray for a dream come true and a heart's delight.
I Love everything about you because you're far more
than my eyes are capable of seeing, you're heartfelt.
When my lips touch yours you're like heated chocolate
in my arms you get weak and you melt.
Let me hold you with my heart as my hands find the
entrance of your softest place.
The look in your eyes as temperatures rise as high
as our passions as we lay face to face.
Let me lay quietly holding you in the moments after
we've given ourselves to each other in heavenly bliss.
We took a journey to the deepest place in our hearts
that ended for us in sheer fulfillment and a kiss.
Let me hold you with my heart and my arms so
tenderly with emotions that are so sincere.
As I pull you close and whisper in a soft caring
voice I Love you so much in your ear.

shelly david wright, passionate poet

The Attributes to Love You

"The Attributes to Love You."

When you have the attributes of Love you have
the Fruit of the spirit as named in Galatians 5:22.
Many who say they have the spirit of Yah in them
will reflect the following in their lives you'll see it too.
To Love you I first must have the Fruit in me and those
Fruit don't make you Fruity,(gay) or at all weak.
It is another attack of satan that will condemn many
for untruthfulness against Yah's own that they speak.
Joy is what I'll feel when I rise every morning and see
your face and Love is what I will feel also.
Peace we will have in our home through Patience and
Kindness because the Goodness of Yah in our hearts we know.
I will have Self-control in my life
because Yah is in it He dwells in me.
When I say I Love you you can believe it because there's
no reason to distrust because Trustworthiness is what you see.
Last of all there is Gentleness it's not weakness but strength
to show you my heart through the pureness of sensitivity.
I will Love you not of my own but through Yah because
without His Fruit in your life Love will never be.
Yet you have many who make the wrong choices and yet
they're picking what they are attracted to.
Gorillas, Cavemen, Gold diggers, Witches and Bitches is what
you get when Yah's Love isn't present, this is what you pursue.
The Works of the Flesh is where you are outside of change
you have Adulteries, Whoring, uncleanness within.
News flash Sleeping around on your spouse and whoring
period really isn't pleasure but it's sin.
But you couldn't tell from the Adulterous, Whorish Pastors
who cause Disasters who sleep around on their wives.
What you have is so-called leaders who preach don't do as I
do but what I tell you to, they give mix messages in their lives.
Idolatry, Drug sorcery, Hatred, Quarrels, Jealousies, Fits of rage,
Selfish ambitions, Dissentions, Factions, Murders, Envy, and Drunkenness.
Along with Wild parties, those who practice these shall not
inherit the Kingdom of Yah the Scriptures do address.
The Fruit don't bring upon those you Love domestic
violence, spousal, emotional, verbal, or mental abuses at all.
But those who have the works of the flesh in their lives
are crying everyday watching the world around them fall.

shelly david wright, poet

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lonely Cause I'm Missing You

"Lonely Cause I'm Missing You."

I would rather have a headache or a cold,
sore throat and maybe the flu.
But I can't stand to feel lonesome at all
because I'm really missing you.
My heart is now your heart and all day my
mind stays on you hating to be apart.
Because you are the one I truly deeply Love
with all of my heart.
I would rather be on a sinking island on a volcano
that was about to erupt, or a plane going down.
Than to ever try to exist without you
there is no life in my world if you are not around.
Your smile is my smile and the sun shines because
you're in my life and because of you I smile everyday.
Thoughts of you make me happy I'm filled with joy
and I sing to you as I happily go my way.
To be in Love is wonderful with someone who is wonderful
someone that the Most High has given from above.
To have one of His is a testimony in itself because
Yah selected you special when He gives you someone special to Love.
To feel that Love in return is special someone who
truly Loves you and every moment of the day they let you know.
Someone who encourages you and wants to make you happy
with every inch of themselves a true Love for you they show.
When you are blessed to know Yah He gives you His Love
and that special one so His Love you can share.
Someone unlike those who you knew in the world
who said Love but they didn't care.
Love is a precious and rare emotion that much too
often is talked about but hardly ever felt.
Love is warm and passionate enough to even
make every icecap in the world melt.
Love is about sacrificing and giving and when
you're in Love you can't give enough at all.
When you're in Love you want to be there all the
time to rescue them and catch them when they fall.
Yah Loves us so tremendously and having His Love
within us we should Love our spouses just the same.
I'm lonesome and I'm missing you so much honey
I'm more than ready for you to share my last name.

Passionate poetry
shelly david wright, poet

Just Like You She Can Too

"Just like You She Can too."

Two who were in a relationship thought
they were truly made for each other.
They knew they were deeply in Love and
could not stand to be without one another.
The relationship started with a physical attraction
and that was all they had totally.
They got caught up into each other and they
brought children into their circle to make a family.
What they didn't count on were the storms of life
and the control issues and rebellion they had in them.
Confusion crept into the mix and she found herself
getting into more arguments with him.
He would hang with the fellas and she would hang
with her girlfriends too.
Instead of putting in the time to become one they have
their own agendas and that's what they do.
She comes home and catches him talking he has
a startled look and hangs up the phone.
What he doesn't realize is the game satan has him
playing on his girl he isn't playing it alone.
You see two can play that game and she was sent
someone to play around with also.
She's not out with her girlfriends all the time
they both are cheating and soon they'll know.
He gets curious and satan sends him on a mission
to follow her as she goes out one night.
He sees her not meeting her girlfriends but her
penis and he goes off and starts a fight.
Many males think it's alright for them to cheat
they'll say they're being a man that's all.
Well why is it they lose all understanding when
their girl answers from another penis a Coochie call.
He goes to his car and gets the gun he's hurt and broken
that his girl has been cheating all this time.
He's been disrespecting her now he feels disrespected
now satan has him ready to commit the ultimate crime.
He shoots the both of them several times and turns
the gun on himself and puts one in his head.
The moral of the story is Just like She can too
Cheaters never prosper remember what I said.

shelly david wright, poet

Steps Are in Front of the House

"Steps Are in Front of the House."

Steps are in front of the house we use them to
step up on or down they're not members of your family.
When you take the Cow you take the Calves
you're to Love them and make them your own completely.
You're not to distinguish them one from another
they're all yours even though they didn't come from you.
They're yours none the less and to treat them any different
is wrong treating different you should not do.
They didn't ask to come here they're part of the
package you want their mama then they're coming too.
She isn't coming alone she has children she's responsible
for she can't abandon them and you know it's true.
Much too often males only see mama and don't
see the responsibility a male gave them.
She gave more than her heart she gave her body
and a part of her life to him.
The responsibility was too great for him to deal with
and he went after a female because he's a whore.
He isn't a man so he doesn't know anything about
Love or companionship finding someone you can adore.
Or she was playing the whore card too and got
caught not once but twice she made the mistake.
When you're nasty and irresponsible
someone will end up with a heartbreak.
Abandoned and left to fend for herself she soon
becomes bitter and alone.
She has children to care for and no help from him
so she has to stand up on her own.
The greatest Love is to make another person's children
your own it will truly challenge you to bring out your best.
To Love and care for children for another man or
woman is of Yah and He'll put you to the test.
Step is a word when associated with children shouldn't
be used at all steps are in front of the house.
They're yours when you say I do you take on hers and
she takes on yours when she becomes your spouse.
We need to realize what we're saying and stop this practice
we use steps to stand on to walk on many things you can think of.
We don't need to openly show any disparity to children
we're one family they're yours, mine, and ours that we Love.

Thank you Ms. Nita Brooks
shelly david wright, poet

Someone Special to Come Home to

"Someone Special to Come Home to."

Today it rained and it was the perfect setting to
see a black and white movie with that special one.
Two sitting on the sofa cuddled up with jiffy pop
would be the way I'd like things to be done.
Or go on a canoe ride with the CD player and
your favorite Love song romantic CD.
A special outing for two who are in Love
two who Love each other passionately.
There are times I'd like to take walks in the
park hand in hand with a basket on the side.
She has the blanket and we enjoy our time
together after taking a street car ride.
When you have these romantic thoughts you
wish there was someone to come home to.
Someone to share the rest of your life with
and write a Love Story with too.
Going shopping to buy groceries or something
special for each other just a little treat.
When you Love someone it should be your goal
to make everyday for them sweet.
When two hearts are intertwined and bonding
begins it is more than sex that you do.
Love is what you make because your heart is in
it your physical expression of Love comes through.
A candle light dinner or a sandwich on the sofa
whatever you do it's the time that's spent.
A shower together, laughing, and talking doing
things that bond you daily as hard as cement.
When these thoughts you have you'd like for them
to become real with someone special also.
Someone sent from your Heavenly Father who He
joined you to so a true Love you'll show.
Someone special to come home to someone who Loves
you who'll be there to share every part of your life.
Someone who you'll be spending precious moments
with that someone who you'll make your wife.
I want that someone special to come home to and make
all the moments romantic for the time we have left here.
Someone to kiss, to hold, to be there for in every way
possible someone to be close to and to Love so dear.

concept by Charles Trask
shelly david wright, poet

More to Love

"More to Love."

The most beautiful women I've ever met aren't
the ones fine because of their attitude.
They listen to males who easily swell their heads
and the spirit them makes them rude.
It is not about being fine it's about the spirit
you have within and the love in your heart.
The sweetest females I have ever met are
full figured and beautiful works of art.
They are more than just thick girls they will
give you more of their heart than a fine girl will give.
The fine ones have all the problems they attract all
the Jackasses and miserable lives many of them live.
Don't get me wrong many are down to earth and many
are brought down by the hurt and abuse they receive.
Those most likely to hurt them are males who
only wants someone fine so them they can deceive.
Big Boned Sisters are very attractive compared to
a bag of bones teeny weeny in size.
All the women back in the day were full figured and
thick with curves that are caught your eyes.
Many Big Bone Sisters are trying to lose weight
trying to fit in and get the attention of a man.
But if you have to change to attract a man then you
have a problem get curvier for you should be the plan.
A dog wants meat on his bone you're more to
hold and more to love and touch physically.
There's more curves, hips, butt, more of everything
to enjoy when you are with your spouse intimately.
Physical attractions are short lived males have said to
their spouses that if you gain weight I am leaving you.
Over time we gain and through childbearing many
hold on to weight, weight gaining we will do.
Trophy spouses is of the world look at the stars
and the rich that marry models, they want looks only.
But they're blind to the vanity many have in
their hearts the unbeauty within they cannot see.
Big Bone Sisters are very beautiful they are beautiful
physically, spiritually, and emotionally as well.
The bottom line is more to love when they are spiritually
endowed with the Most High they won't give you hell.

shelly david wright, poet

Sexual History Report

"Sexual History Report."

Too bad people couldn't come like some cars
but with a report of their sexual history.
Because some of them you would leave where
they are and many others you'd just let be.
Many have real high mileage or should I say
many sexual partners and their spirits too.
You need to remember that everyone they've
had those spirits are bound to cling to you.
Check out their attitudes if it's all about them
leave them where they are standing.
Some think their stuff don't stink and they're
very controlling and demanding.
Listen to the sounds of the mouths running
listen to if they start out lying in high gear.
Many sputter out lies from jump street and
before you know, you have some B.S. in your ear.
Look at the shape they're in but don't just take
them on being fine and looks alone.
Because many physically are on their way out
now before too long their figures will be gone.
No one was or ever that fine they're just legends in their
own mind but fine is like leaves they're all over the tree.
Everywhere you look every where you turn your head
one more finer than the other is all you will see.
What counts is under the hood the engine their heart
now see how good of shape that it's in.
Because many times it has been broken, abused,
and battered and it may be a hard one to win.
No matter what they look like on the outside it is the
heart that counts remember satan was perfect in Beauty.
He was a Pretty Boy and it went to his head he is the
father of the attitude where "it's all about me."
If people came with a sexual history report STD's and
AIDS wouldn't be so common place because you'll stay clear.
But because there is a spirit of whoring in the world
those plagues man made or caused will still be here.
My sexual history report states I've had 3 relationships
and one was my wife and I'm a Hebrew and celibate today.
I'm a one owner person who Loves a drive through the
country I'm not fast or high maintenance and games I don't play.

shelly david wright, poet

Things I'd Love to Do with You

"Things I'd Love to Do with You."

It's Fall and the air is cool and thoughts of
cuddling with someone special comes to mind.
Someone who is soft sensitive and caring someone
more than eye sight Beautiful sweet and kind.
Today is a Beautiful day and perfect for a picnic
basket a blanket some soft romantic music and wine.
To be there with someone who has your heart and
you have theirs someone who I can really call mine.
Let's go to a movie the Prytania Theater has a balcony
where you and I could from the crowd go hide.
Not concerned with seeing a movie when I see your lips and
the rest of the most Beautiful woman in the world by my side.
I never learned to roller skate so with you this would be fun
providing that we fall together and no bones we break.
Or how about a bicycle built for two riding through the park
another precious moment to cherish that a true Love will make.
I'd like to try getting into a canoe and row row our boat on
a romantic cruise for just the two.
There are so many things I'd Love to do but they only
can be special when it involves you.
Just sitting around looking at television or listening to music
or each other the time that we spend together means so much.
To be with someone special that you really Love and care
about being able to be there to reach out and touch.
There are too many people who are together who are
unhappy not taking the time to enjoy each other.
Some are even creeping around thinking they'll find
that happiness in the arms of another.
Love has to be in you first of all and you must be
able to share that Love with someone who can return it.
Two who are joined to be together is the perfect ministry
and two who are growing in Love make up the perfect fit.
Life is too short to not be in Love and enjoy the one who
you prayed for who truly brings new Joy to your life.
You should treasure and cherish every moment taking
none for granted with that husband or wife.
These are the things I'd Love to do with that special
someone that I really Love and care about.
Romantic things that will bond us in every way
where each other we don't want be without.

inspired by: Alice Lady Godiva Thompson
shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Honor His Creation

"Honor His Creation."

How can I say I Love Yah and not honor His
creation by sleeping with her by simply playing House.
He created Eve not as Adam's whore or Baby Mama
woman wasn't created as a play thing but a spouse.
We are to honor the creation and Respect the creator
by marrying the most Beautiful creation in life.
We say we Love Him and yet many of us sleep
around not ever wanting to make her your wife.
Yah created woman for the man not the other
way around like the self absorbed think today.
Yah never created any woman on His level
satan gives them those attitudes by the way.
The whorish spirit in males are of the devil
31 flavors to try Yah did not create.
All the sleeping around and the Disease
and Demons that are exchanged Yah does hate.
Marriage is more than a piece of paper it is
a Commitment and Responsibility to Yah also.
You honor Him when you honor that woman
and your Love for Him you really show.
Not all marriages are equal satan is in the
marriage business and all of his are failures too.
Divorce became because of the marriages of satan
but from the very beginning it was never knew.
Whatever Yah does is perfect and satan copies
but as we know with a bad affect.
Satan has many in bad relationships and even
more terrible marriages but playing House Yah rejects.
Anything built on lust is doomed to failure and
until Yah calls you out of darkness lust will be in you.
Love will be a word that's used and said but the
power of it in your life can never come through.
Sex is unsatisfying and unfulfilling but through Love
and Lovemaking you will be fed more than physically.
Yah will be there within the two of you
and the Love you share will intensify spiritually.
Honor His creation in marriage she's not a whore
Respect her, Love her she's a gift from above.
A woman with the spirit of Yah is the most Beautiful
and most Wonderful creations on earth that I know of.

shelly david wright, poet

Nothing Less Than being a Wife

"Nothing Less Than Being A Wife."

If you’re good enough to sleep with a man then
you should be good enough to be his wife.
Not his woman, not his boo, especially not his fool
but the one to share his life.
You should not want anything less than being a wife
why would you want to settle for less?
If anything you should be with the one you plan to marry
before you ever undress.
Too many are living alone already after being a Free Sample
for someone.
They discarded them like the rubber they wore
after they were done.
Single parent families and men on child support
these are the results when you don’t learn to say No.
If you become an easy lay just to have a man then without
commitment he will make you a Ho.
It is far too late after you’ve missed your period and your
stomach rises to see if he will be there for you.
They just move on to the next one willing to open wider her
legs and get her pregnant too.
There are too many broken heart stories barriers built up around
the hearts of women who have become cold.
And many go into relationships not trusting and weary
being and becoming more bitter as they grow old.
I’m writing this to empower you and encourage you not to
settle for less but to hold out for what is right.
Because you will be blessed to have your own husband
on your wedding night.
Nothing less than being a wife is what you should have
in your heart and in your mind.
He that has found a wife has found a good thing
why not make yourself that good find.
You should not settling be for less never
you should be hoping to be his spouse.
Believe me you are worth more to him in being his wife
you will bring joy to your house.
You’re good enough to marry you are good enough to carry
his last name.
If he can’t see the most wonderful thing to ever happen
to his life then I would say it’s a shame.

Shelly David Wright, Poet

The Worst is Emotional Abuse

"The Worst is Emotional Abuse."

Emotional abuse can be the worst of all the abuses it's
a spiritual attack that tears you apart from the inside.
Where the physical abuses can be seen the emotional
scars are of the heart where they hide.
Eve was emotionally attacked and the sons of the devil
have been following his plan and hurting many today.
Sometimes the only peace that many will get is when the Most
High has to physically remove them by taking them away.
Sisters and Brothers are suffering from mental and emotional
abuses attacks of meanness because they're void of true Love.
Attacks that the devil is bringing on because when you're
trying to please a devil you get the worst abuses you can think of.
There are many who are in marriages who are going through
Hell trying to please a sorry ass ungrateful, uncaring mate.
Someone who verbally, mentally and emotionally abuse
them tearing them down with feelings of hate.
Some cannot show Love but how can you show what isn't
in you but they'll marry behind a Booty Call.
Not all marriages are of Yah but satan does match making
and those are the ones that through emotional abuse fall.
The worst is emotional abuse people who can be so cruel
when they're incapable of Love or any emotions but lust.
Someone who is twisted enough to make you feel less than human
is messed up in the head and is someone you can't trust.
Those who are emotionally abusive have self esteem issues and
they become generational curses when by children they're seen.
Our children learn the good and the bad from us and they treat
their spouses like their parents did if you know what I mean.
Domestic violence, Spousal abuses, hitting anyone is wrong
but to mentally, verbally and emotionally abuse is evil also.
When you abuse someone it isn't Yah that is present in your
life but your father is satan the devil it's him you know.
Emotional abuses are learned and passed down but the curse
must be broken with prayer and sensitivity.
No one deserves to be treated in such a harsh manner even if
they made a bad choice they shouldn't endure the insanity.
The worst abuse is emotional and those who inflict this pain may
have had this pain inflicted on them but this isn't what a man will do.
Man or woman no one deserves to feel unappreciated and cursed
out for no reason emotionally beat up and treated like poo.

requested by: Karon
Co-written by: Meisha Fisher
shelly david wright, poet

Don't Be the Demonstrator

"Don't Be the Demonstrator."

When you go to the dealership to buy a vehicle
you test drive the demonstrator not the actual one.
When you make your choice they prepare it for you
to take home you put on the big smile when they're done.
My Sisters don't be good enough to test drive in fact
don't be the demonstrator be the one that he'll buy.
Don't be the one that everyone that comes to the
dealership gets in and gives it a try.
If you're good enough for sex then you're good enough
to marry stop settling you're in the driver's seat.
He wants a test drive but you need to say No!
you're more than worthy to be a wife I'll repeat.
Don't go with the foolish mindset of "You gotta get yours"
because you'll always be the demonstrator.
You'll be the one who will continue to be driven for a
short time and when they're through, it's see you later.
I have daughters and friends who I Love and I don't
want them to go through this insanity.
A male will sleep with a whore but he'll want to marry
a virgin, you need to be the Gem he'll pray to marry.
You're special and you're in the driver's seat he wants
what's between your legs so you should make the deal.
He's not driving nothing off the lot until he is ready
to fully commit and it's gotta be about Love to be real.
Sex is the worst reason to marry someone if it's your
behind he's after he'll hit yours because there's more.
The self esteem factor with some of our sisters is low
many will be happy being a demonstrator his whore.
We need to encourage them that sex isn't Love nor will
it lead to a commitment but it can lead to shame.
Why sleep with someone taking the chance of getting his
diseases and demons and never carrying his last name.
You need to realize that you're special and you're good
enough to marry you're not a demonstrator at all.
You're a Queen a Princess and never a whore when the
phone rings hang the Hell up on the Booty Call.
Don't be the demonstrator be the one to go off the lot
be the one he'll cherish and treasure and take care of.
It's sad that some males take better care of their vehicles
than the one they really claim to Love.

inspired by: Meisha Fisher
shelly david wright, poet

Monday, October 19, 2009

Not a One Night Stand but a Lifetime

"Not a One Night Stand but a Lifetime."

I don't want a one night stand but a lifetime
I want to honor my Heavenly Father and you.
I don't want to taste the pie, not just a slice but the
whole thing I want when I say I Do.
I want Love I'm not into sex it's unfulfilling
it's empty and there's no bonding at all.
I want a wife not a whore I want a lifetime
commitment not a one night stand Coochie call.
I'm special and you are special we were created
in the image and in the likeness of pure Love.
We weren't created by Lucifer so why do we act
like we're his and do any wicked thing we think of.
We cheat and hurt one another and say we Love
them when outside of having Yah's spirit we're void of it.
When I walked around in darkness it was about having
my flesh fed through sex, it wasn't Love I'll admit.
I didn't feel the oneness and the heart to heart I wasn't
concerned or did I truly care except about me.
When you are in darkness you are blind to what's real
and what's true in life you cannot see.
I don't want a one night stand as so many who are still
in darkness want that's not what I yearn for or desire.
I'm praying to share the Love that is now within my
spirit with someone I'll forever cherish and admire.
I don't want to play house I don't want nothing less
than what Yah placed in my spirit and that's a wife.
He created marriage in the garden and through
Love I want to be obedient to Him for the rest of my life.
There's only confusion on the other side when you're
in darkness relationships and marriages are falling apart.
Marriage is more than a piece of paper and more than
legal sex when you have true Love in your heart.
I'm not about to give myself in a one night stand
when I have so much to lose.
So I'll wait and stay celibate instead of being unfaithful
to Yah and myself this is the way that I choose.
I don't want anything less than what Yah wants for me
so there's no one night stand not a slice, or a taste but the whole.
It's not about me but Yah comes first it's about serving Him
not my flesh, so marrying one of His Daughters is my goal.

shelly david wright, poet

Not Just The Physical

"Not Just the Physical."

I don't want just the physical but the spiritual, the
emotional, and the passion of true Lovemaking.
Not just the physical that feeds the flesh as
in sex but the whole that is so breathtaking.
I've done the physical the hit it, split it, and
feel bad about yourself and want to forget it too.
Without having a meaningful relationship where Yah's Love
is the center getting involved is something I don't want to do.
Lovemaking is the physical expression of the emotions
and the passions that you feel spiritually also.
Lovemaking isn't about pleasing yourself but two
who are bonding and in their faces the satisfaction show.
Lovemaking is spiritual in nature through your thoughts is
where Lovemaking starts the process of arousal before you see a bed.
The very beginnings before you become physical
with each other must start in your head.
Sex can be a selfish act where Lovemaking is about
sharing and pleasing the one you truly Love intimately.
Lovemaking is about becoming one in the flesh and
in the spirit the unity of one done passionately.
Not just the physical but the emotional to be sensitive
to the other's needs and to place them first.
Lovemaking is about being spiritually mature
because you're not seeking to quench a thirst.
Satisfaction guaranteed is found in Lovemaking
when Love is in the Lovemaking that you enjoy.
Your body when you're spiritually mature belongs
to your spouse, you're no one's whore or sex toy.
Point blank it's about morality, and virtues Yah
created Lovemaking and it's a wedding present to you.
He wants you to enjoy Lovemaking in all its Beauty
when it's more than the physical you pursue.
Sex has caused sorrows, abuses, and problems unwanted
children, and mates are some of the plagues it brings.
Yah blesses the Lovemaking of those whom He has joined
through marriage with or without the rings.
Not just the physical but the spiritual, emotional, and
the passion that it takes true Love to feel.
Two who are in Love bonding through the physical
and sharing the moments after that seemed too
good to be real.

concept by: Charles Trask
shelly david wright, poet

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Ability to Break Your Heart

"The Ability to Break Your Heart."

Felicia once told me when you fall in Love you're
giving that person the ability to break your heart.
You've just given them the means to destroy you
and tear your whole world apart.
Well I would Love to take that chance because inside
I have something that's too good not to share.
With someone of like mind who wants to be Loved
and cherished who needs someone who'll care.
It's just sad that Love gets a bad rap in song and in
conversation from those who never felt true Love before.
They've never had an emotion that made them feel
that they were blessed to find that someone that they adore.
There are too many who are void of any emotions that are
pure except those of Lust and Hate.
Their whole existence is to have sex and that's not Love
they're into the physical and not the spiritual at any rate.
Love is more than many at this time can ever handle
it is about denying self and placing someone else before you.
There are too many self centered and self absorbed people
out here It's all about them so that they won't do.
Then there are others who have been burned too many
times to trust anyone where their heart is concerned.
Through many heartaches and heart breaks
disappointments and many nights crying they've learned.
I'm reluctant to give my heart to someone who doesn't
care about me as I would find myself caring about them.
When you give someone the ability to break your heart they'll
do it without having Yah's spirit when they don't have Him.
Yah is Love in spiritual form and through Him we feel it
and we express it emotionally.
Sure to be in Love and to have those feelings returned
has to be the greatest feeling on earth there could ever be.
Only through a one on one with Yah will we ever know
the limitless boundaries that Love is and will forever be so.
I Love you are the most Beautiful words and yet they
could be deceptive in the mouth of one who Love does not know.
The ability to break your heart is what you give someone
when you give them your heart out of Love.
Healing from a broken heart is a one day at a time agony it may
well be one the cruelest thing you can do to a person I can think of.

inspired by Felicia
shelly david wright, poet

Let Me Be The One

"Let Me Be The One."

Let me be the one who is the answer to your
prayer when you asked the Most High for Love.
Let me be the one who you can praise Him for
your blessing that came from above.
Let me be the one to touch your heart and
experience with you emotions so brand new.
Feelings that were never fully awakened or
realized special emotions to share with you.
Let me be the one to Love you beyond all understanding
and comprehension of man or woman to imagine it so.
A Love that formed the Universe and spoke life into
being a Love that only the chosen will know.
Let me be the one to be there for you to be that
shoulder to lean and to cry on I will be here.
With a ear and a heart that will listen to your
every word let me be the one to be so dear.
Let me be the one to adore you from head to toe
and all points in between North and South.
Let me cherish and treasure you and make it
my ministry as are these words from my mouth.
Let me be the one who will always be the most
blessed ever when the Most High gives you to me.
Let me be the one and the only one to share your
dreams and with Yah an eternity.
Let me be the one who will capture your heart
only to make everyday like the first day of spring.
The beginning of seasons and of birth a renewal
from the death that a cold winter can bring.
Spring is a time of new life and in many hearts
a time of Love and romance.
Let me be the one to be your everything sent from
Yah I pray you'll be the one to give me a chance.
Let me be the one to write this poem and you be the
one whose heart will be so dearly touched sincerely.
Let me be the one when you dream at night and when
you awaken my face is the one you see.
Let me be the one who your heart and your mind
stays on and imagines together a wonderful life.
Let me be the one who was chosen from the beginning of
time to be the one who will ask you to be my wife.

A poem Antoine T. Franklin was led to
tell me to write.
shelly david wright, poet

Hot Cocoa and You

"Hot Cocoa and You."

It's getting to the time of the season the chilly nights
and a warm cup of Cocoa with that special someone.
Two who are cold and in Love on a cool fall night
I'm sitting here with the sweetest one under the Sun.
Sitting on the porch bench snuggled up wrapped in a
blanket my lips are pressing yours as yours mine.
Later we'll make our way to the fireplace where we'll
lie on a rug enjoying body heat and some wine.
Hot Cocoa some tea and the sweetest company
there's going to be some tender Lovemaking tonight.
It's the fall the leaves have turned brown during
Autumn and I'm here with my heart's delight.
Hot Cocoa and you the steam rises from our cups as our eyes
meet and I'm in the one place in the whole world I want to be.
I'm the most blessed person around having
the one who is my dream come true with me.
Anytime of the season with that special someone
everyday of the year is truly a fantasy.
When you're in Love everything and everyday is special
and those precious moments you treasure endlessly.
Hot Cocoa and you I'm enjoying our time together
you in my arms we're in a warm embrace.
Thoughts of you are so Beautiful thoughts that
I'll cherish that nothing or no one can ever erase.
Not just the cool but romance is in the air my heart
is stayed on the one whom I gave it to.
The one who could make the coldest winter nights
feel like summer when I'm under the covers with you.
You are the one who I expressed my heart to
when on our wedding night I vowed from my heart.
You who I feel was created by hand with perfection
truly are a masterpiece work of art.
Hot Cocoa, tea, wine whatever the beverage
it really doesn't matter as long as I have you.
You make life easier to bear, tender moments truly
are a blessing, I simply Love everything you do.
Hot Cocoa and the blanket we're wrapped in by the
fireplace on a rug this is a moment worth capturing.
So many cold nights ahead and I can't hardly wait
to see what the upcoming winter will bring.

inspired by words from Kiesha Seals
shelly david wright, poet

I Have Daughters

"I Have Daughters."

I have daughters so I'm not trying to mess
over someone else's this I'm not trying to do.
Don't you realize that the seeds that you sow
will come back in wrath to mess over you.
How would you like it if someone messed over
your daughter slept with her and tossed her away.
Well that's what many males do to someone else's
daughter and this is done every minute of everyday.
No one ever thinks that the deeds they do will ever
come back on them.
But they do because your sins could fall on your children
a worse devil than yourself she could fall for him.
You did have a Mother would you want someone to abuse
her that's what many of you do to the females you talk to.
You emotionally, verbally, mentally, and physically
abuse them and you know that this is true.
You lie to them and run game never once considering
just how they feel.
You're addicted to sex courtesy of satan and to get it
you'll say and do anything this is real.
I have daughters and I don't want to see them hurt
or messed over so I sow good seeds in their life.
I don't want them to be anyone's whores but for Yah
to bless them with husbands that will cherish their wives.
We need to be about being examples to our girls
all girls out here to steer them right and straight.
Let them know that it is a good thing to keep their
virginity and on their husband they should wait.
We've all made mistakes but let's not continue in sin
let's not make a act an attitude and a habit.
We as men need to respect our Queens and Princesses
forget the satanic game of Hit it and Quit.
How would you feel if your daughter was in the
hospital dying of AIDS or had HIV.
Well if those demons are in you those same demons
in her you just might see.
I have daughters and I Love them but I Love my
Heavenly Father by the way I live so much more.
How would you like it if your daughter was just like
you screwing everything she sees like daddy a whore.

This goes for the Sisters as well.
shelly david wright, poet

Girls and Boys Need Their Fathers

"Girls and Boys Need Their Fathers."

There is nothing more important to Yah than the
family yet it has been destroyed through design.
As a part of our affliction the State separated the father
from the family independence from the man the bottom line.
When you throw the natural balance off of what Yah
designed by creating a single parent family.
What you have over the decades is little need for
a man in the house if he can't provide financially.
Brothers are pointing fingers at Sisters and Sisters
are pointing their fingers right back.
Both are blind to the fact that we are still under the
curse and in Captivity it's a spiritual attack.
Many believe that the Brothers are just lazy and are
under achievers they don't want to work or do anything.
There's more than meets the eyes going on and in a few
they'll understand because the drama satan's going to bring.
Through the Willie Lynch family destruction plan
and the independence movement of the Elite.
Our families have been the ones to suffer because
the natural way of a family is truly incomplete.
It's not our way but Yah's way Yeshayahu 3:12 says
our leaders lead us astray, both politically and spiritually.
Integration and a mindset of non-violence with those
who are filled with violence and greed now a mess we see.
Our daughters and our sons are in trouble sure they have more
today yet because they lack morals and values they have less.
Yeshayahu 3:12 also says our youth exert pressure on us
and women rule over us, we have problems Yah will address.
When you look at us as a whole we have the highest rate of
teen pregnancy and HIV/AIDS our children are dying.
Our males are killing each other as if it's hunting season
go to any crime scene and a mother is crying.
Because of our disobedience our people are suffering
our daughters and sons are in disobedience too.
The family was destroyed we are all in this together
the line we are our brother's keeper is true.
Girls and Boys need their fathers and mothers they
need to be whole in a real moral family setting.
But until our captivity is over we will have more days
ahead that we will end up regretting.

shelly david wright, poet

Forget the Cover Read the Book

"Forget the Cover Read the Book."

A wise man once told me to not get too involved
with the cover but read the contents of the book.
There's a story when you get into the reading that
is truly worth a second look.
All a cover does is provide interest in the book
and the prettiest books are filled with drama.
They have stories of betrayal and broken hearts
stories of lies, deceit, and emotional trauma.
We need to get pass the cover and read the
contents get to know the inside where it counts.
The reading is good when you open the book
and you can gain good info in large amounts.
The most Beautiful stories come out of adversity
the troubles that hurt but the healing is so great.
A taste of hurt brings out character and a quality
that makes you wiser and stronger at any rate.
The outside of a person is just the physical but the
emotional, spiritual, and mental condition means more.
Because if they're unbalanced in those areas you're
in for more drama than you ever had before.
Pretty and handsome account for so little when
the inner person is where the Beauty is real.
The contents of their heart is where the emotions
come from that give you that Lovey dovey feel.
Forget the cover read the book much too often
our eyes have deceived us.
When it comes down to someone special we need
to close our eyes and feel our eyes we can't trust.
Remember no one is that fine and some who are
attractive are just wanted and not Loved at all.
You see the cover is all they're wanted for the
contents aren't read for the cover many fall.
The most Beautiful books don't have the most
prettiest covers it's the reading that will charm.
Bottom line you will be more happier not having
just a conceited trophy on your arm.
I know that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
but true Beauty is more than what you can see.
Beauty is in the pages of the book the story of
true Love and trust that flows endlessly.

Concept by Mr. Willie
shelly david wright, poet

Make Sure You Can Eat Off of it Too

"Make Sure You Can Eat off of it Too."

When you pass the plate on to someone make sure
when it comes back you can eat off of it too.
This was a saying the late Tim Moore used when
he would talk about an issue or situation to you.
He used it one time when he had to console a
friend whose wife had been cheating on him.
The thing is he couldn't take what he was doing
himself like most males I mean many of them.
It's not a male's prerogative to cheat there's no place
in Scripture where you find Yah says it's ok to do.
And I feel sorry for those who accept the excuse of
him being a man because Hell he'll put them through.
You see as long as he was cheating he was alright
having his women on the side and his wife at home.
But his world fell apart when he found out she was
seeing someone else, her heart started to roam.
He was crushed and cried he was hurt but did he
ever consider how did he make her feel.
Did her feelings even matter to him when he was
laying with someone else, please let's be real.
The bottom line is cheating is wrong period no matter
who is doing it, it's called Adultery and it's wrong to do so.
Every unrepented sin will secure a place in the Lake of
Fire Yah's going to deal with them you better know.
When you think you are creeping don't be surprised
if your spouse one day does the same thing
Because when you hurt someone hurt to yourself
you will bring.
Make sure when you pass the plate when it comes back
you can eat off of it or pass it at all.
If you could even fathom what Love was really about
your wife would be enough you wouldn't make a booty call.
There are many who feel it's their right to cheat and it's
Yah's right to punish you for breaking His commandment.
If you want to cheat just be prepared to deal with what
is to follow and what follows is harsh punishment.
If you're going to be a whore stay single don't hurt no one
but yourself why destroy someone else's life.
This goes too for you women who creep around who wants
to be married to a woman you can trust, a cheating wife.
To whom it may be concerned when you pass that plate
when it comes back you may not like what's coming back.
Be it male or female when you creep, it's not about the sex
but it's far more it's about your life in a spiritual attack.

In remembrance of Timothy Moore
shelly david wright, poet

Kindness Is Not a Weakness

"Kindness is Not a Weakness."

Kindness is not a weakness it's just a sign
that the spirit of the Most High is in you.
When people take you for granted and advantage of your kindness
bringing Yah's displeasure upon themselves is what they do.
Kindness is not a weakness but when you give you show
Love because you can't without Love being present within.
Those who take what you do for weakness aren't hurting
you but themselves they'll have to answer for their sin.
The world will label you a push over because of your
kindness and your caring but they simply just don't know.
Because they're selfish and self centered and it's all about them
satan's spirit is present in them and he is their god also.
The Fruit of the Spirit of Yah is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience,
Kindness, Goodness, trustworthiness, Gentleness and Self Control too.
These are the things in your life that the world thinks are
signs of weakness but that simply isn't true.
Kindness is not weakness this is another lie of satan
where those who take advantage of Yah's own will reap.
There are many who abused the kindness of Yah's own
who are in the ground asleep.
They'll awaken to the Judgment and will be tried and
punished for the deeds of satan they've done.
So you who think you're slick and sly Yah has your
number and before it's over you'll be the one.
Kindness is not weakness but strength overcoming
your flesh and giving and doing from the heart.
This in and of itself shows the world that you're
different but not strange Yah's spirit sets you apart.
I give through Love what little I have isn't mine
for nothing we bring here nor can we take out.
Sharing through the spirit of Yah in Love is doing
His will and that's what life and living is all about.
Kindness is not weakness but Love made real through
your acts, kindness is made real through pure Love.
Kindness isn't a human emotion or thing because it's
the spirit of Yah from above.
Kindness isn't weakness so I say continue to give you're
not a fool they're playing themselves before the Most High.
When it all comes around you'll be blessed and they'll get
their reward from someone they care about and that's no lie.

shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



If you could count all the stars in heaven
and multiply them with all the fish in the sea.
Then add all the clouds and the birds that fly
under them you would be counting endlessly.
If you could take the heat of the sun and turn it
into passion that could never be put out.
Then you would know what a true love is
what a genuine love is all about.
If you count all the people from Adam to those who
aren't even born as of yet.
Then add those to every love song that was ever sung
and all the ones that you'll never forget.
Then add all the thoughts that make you happy
and multiply them times three.
Then you'll begin to understand the love that you
have and the emotions that are inside of me.
If you could know the number of the Angels Yah created
and multiply them to everything He created from above.
Then you could know that the whole universe
could never contain our love.
If I could fly through space and time visiting the
solar systems I'd name every star and planet after you.
But since I can't I'll give you my heart
because you are my dream come true.
If is a small word but it has huge possibilities
with an imagination and you're in love too.
Because if you had superpowers for the one you love
there wouldn't be anything you wouldn't do.
If I could I'd give you the world but all I could do
is give you the simple things that money can't buy.
And that is my devotion to you commitment, loyalty,
honesty, respect, and honor with the help of the Most High.
If I could give you anything from diamonds to
mansions they would just be things only.
Compared to the contents of my heart that has
been renewed by Yah inwardly.
Let's forget about If and I'll do what's in my power
and that is to give you my whole heart and my life.
And writing you the sweetest proposal poem
asking you to be my wife.

shelly david wright, poet

Let Me Kiss You in Every Culture

"Let Me Kiss You in every Culture."

Honey let me kiss you in every culture
from French kissing to Japanese.
We can kiss in German, African,
Russian and Portuguese.
No matter what culture we choose let's
kiss and enjoy every moment as we press our lips.
I want you to feel it all over from your toes
right down to your finger tips.
I want to kiss you all over from the Hottest
spots to those that are cold.
From east to west and all points in between
from way at the North to the South Pole.
Let's be passionate and hot as fire and let me
send a current through you like electricity.
Let's make a spark that would set the sheets
on fire with our torrid intimacy.
In marriage Passion and affection is the key
let your imagination roam free.
Do whatever you feel experiment on each
other be very passionately.
Use your fingers and discover each other
the sense of touch is one you'll appreciate.
Run your fingers everywhere up and
down the front and back of your mate.
It's not about pleasing self but each other
the Ice box is Frigid you should not be.
Search by candlelight and soft music listen
for the moans from what she feels inwardly.
Romance and not Lust is what she desires
she is special and so is he.
Approach him, arouse him, place your hand
in a place where he can't see.
Take control from him and make him jump
make your husband boy up and scream.
You both need to enjoy each other in the
sweetest and sexiest way to let off some steam.
Let me kiss you in every culture all over
and make Love to you in your heart and mind first.
Let's speak in an unknown language of moaning
after we've arrived at our destination quenching
our thirst.

OK celibate guy feels passion too.
shelly david wright, poet

A False Standard of Beauty

"False Standard of Beauty."

Television and other sources of the media over
time implanted a false standard of beauty in us.
This was nothing more than a brain washing technique
we can see them as handsome or pretty this you can trust.
The down side was to see ourselves as less than desirable
this was an attack of the devil on our self esteem.
After all many of us feel we have arrived due to integration
we abandon our own to get what they feel is the person of their dream.
Our males and females alike have been made to feel undesirable
ashamed of our features the nose the lips even of our size.
Their standard of beauty has made us hate ourselves
we bought into the deception this false standard is nothing but lies.
We were created to look like our Father, His hair His skin
read His description in Rev. 1:14-15, we look like Him.
Those created first are Superior not inferior they came from us
civilization began in Africa, we did not come from them.
Satan knows who you are and who's you are and he knows
that you don't know.
He wants you to be ashamed of your looks and to be ashamed
is to be ashamed of who you look like, Yah and this is so.
Our people have accepted their standard look at Michael Jackson
he lost his humanity and this has to do with the church.
They are to be the Light that people are led by but many
accept the white Jesus thing, the Inspired Word they don't search.
Permed hair now blond black women and weaves
that hang down their backs.
These caught up of into this false standard are lost and ashamed
of themselves these are satanic attacks.
All the while many get tans and breasts, lips and butts to look
like black women, they know the real standard of beauty.
They like everything about being black from the size of a beautiful sister
they like the black female from her hair to her booty.
The attack has always been against the children of Yah
satan has them already, he uses them just to mess over you.
Just look at our people and their choices if it ain't white it's light bright
they are a result of the Rapes of our people and you know it's true.
Integration made it quite easy for us to accept their standards
we really lost ourselves and self hatred began.
Those false standards of beauty to make us hate ourselves like
integration, nothing more than a well thought out plan.

shelly david wright, poet



Like a priceless diamond you're exquisite
like a precious ruby you're invaluable to me.
Like any jewel or gem let's say gold and platinum
or any precious mineral or metal there could ever be.
No matter what it is you're more exquisite
a priceless and an immeasurable find.
Expeditions to deepest darkness Africa haven't
discovered something so rare in any mine.
Exquisite you are the leading jewelers
would marvel at your sparkle and it's only your smile.
You are totally Beautiful and worthy of the
honor of walking up any aisle.
With your bouquet in hand all dressed waiting
for your groom in a flowing gown of white.
Exquisite you are your inner Beauty with the
spirit of Yah within makes you a sheer delight.
I've never met someone so sweet in my entire life
what part of Heaven did you come from.
And when you return there to be the
Angels may I ask can I come.
Because after meeting you I
will never be the same.
I'd get not on one but both knees
to ask you to marry me and to carry my last name.
Exquisite you are in every way that I know of
and in more ways that I don't know of too.
If I slept as long as Rip Van Winkle I need
to sleep 40 years more to complete the dream about you.
You are so exquisite more than anything that glitters
or shines you're the rarest creation I know of.
A masterpiece creation of the Most High
that with all of my heart I truly Love.
Exquisite in nature and rare by design you are
so much more than the eye will ever see.
Within lies a Beautiful spirit that is the
essence of Yah's truest Beauty.
Exquisite and I Love you forever no diamond
could be more brilliant or flawless.
Exquisite you are priceless by any definition
I will attest.

shelly david wright, poet

Everyone They've Slept With

"Everyone They've Slept With."

When you have sex with someone you're
having everyone they've slept with too.
Between all those they've slept with and those
you've had there may be thousands in bed with you.
Remember if you're promiscuous you've had your
share and whoever you've had, had their share also
Those bodily fluids and demons you've shared
may number in the thousands for all you know.
Think about it this is the way AIDS can kill hundreds
by the spreading that those who are nasty do.
Everyone who looks clean isn't they are carriers
many know they have it and will still screw.
Everyone they're sleeping with and with you sleeping
around makes this whole thing a mess.
Even if you're just sleeping with them you're still
in the bed with all they've had I got to address.
AIDS is the number 1 killer of black women 26 to 34
and with all those who are cheating and sleeping around.
We have sisters who are living with HIV and dying with
AIDS all over town.
It is sad that many don't think before they get in a bed
their emotions are literally killing them.
They never ask so they don't know who and how many
have ever slept with him.
If he came to you sexually active how many has he
been with or they've been with who he had.
When you look at what's really going on then you
will know that this situation is sad.
Rubbers can only do so much you must remember
that sex is spiritual first.
You see a person but you could be sleeping with demons
your life could truly take a turn for the worst.
AIDS isn't a joke over time I've watched someone
die of it one of the girls he had tore him apart.
But he didn't die alone because when you're loved
you will in dying break someone's heart.
It's not just the two of you in bed there could be thousands
lying there in bodily fluid or in spirit it's a reality.
Only through Yah can this chain be broken and
from lust and whoring you can really be free.

shelly david wright, poet

Emotionally and Spiritually Too

"Emotionally and Spiritually Too."

On the day we say our vows we will become one
in name and on our wedding night one physically too.
But you must become one spiritually and emotionally
for they bond the marriage, they're the glue.
Spiritually it is beneficial to be chosen and selected
by Yah for each other not everyone is by Him.
There are those who were married by satan
and from the confusion there are many of them.
There are marriages struggling and dissolving
divorces and break ups are on the rise.
Many came into a relationship that turned into
a marriage based on Lust and Lies.
There was only a physical attraction and when
that license was signed she became his property.
A marriage license doesn't entitle anyone to
ownership I don't know where they get this insanity.
Whenever Lust is the foundation it is meant
to fail satan doesn't do Love.
He is pure Hatred and that's what you feel jealousy,
envy, anger, disgust, more I'm sure you can think of.
For you who say I won't get married I'll stay
single but will you whore around.
Many feel they like it just the way it is getting
the Milk with no commitment I've found.
Only what Yah sees as acceptable will He cover
and that is marriage as if you didn't know.
He created the union of marriage in the Garden
to bring us into the Unity of one also.
However if you aren't one emotionally which
requires affection and sensitivity from the start.
You must have the spirit of Yah to emotionally
have true Love in your heart.
Emotionally becoming one is very important
you must be able to express yourself emotionally.
Being able to communicate with your feelings
is what your spouse really wishes to see.
Emotionally and spiritually too to become one
physically is the road to take.
It takes you being one spiritually, emotionally,
and physically then true Love you can make.

shelly david wright, poet

Emotional Security

"Emotional Security."

Some women want the knowledge that a man
will always be there, they want emotional security.
They want to be sure that what they're getting into
will be long lasting and loving not temporary.
They aren't interested in the all night lovemaking
but if you will be there for them all night.
A woman doesn't want to give her heart to
someone who is only interested in sex who isn't right.
They want emotional stability and security they
want to know that you will always be there for them.
If they commit with all their heart where she can gain
trust there isn't anything that she won't do for him.
She is an emotional sensitive creature and she desires
someone who will be emotional and sensitive to her too.
Cavemen died out and any man who has to prove his
masculinity has problems controlling a woman you can't do.
There are many who find it hard to trust and their defenses
are more in place than the Whitehouse.
A real woman is tired of the games that come from a Boy
claiming to be a man, she doesn't need a penis but a spouse.
Someone who will listen and slow to speak who isn't afraid
to be sensitive when she is at her worst.
Not anyone who is short of patience and short tempered
who doesn't have understanding but will curse.
I know I want emotional security and stability
after those whom the devil sent into my life.
I want someone who is more interested in what's
in my heart than in my wallet, a real wife.
Let's be real Gold diggers and Cat Chasers are a
fact of life but I don't want them in my life anymore.
I'm not the same person I was when I walked around
in darkness the Most High changed me from that whore.
He's made me sensitive and that doesn't make me weak
but more understanding to her needs that's all.
It is more about being appreciative and treasuring the
gift to my heart and life, true Love isn't a Booty call.
Emotional security is about Trusting, Loyalty, Respect,
Honor, not taking them for Granted but appreciation totally.
I understand now that I want to trust and be trusted
I want to openly love and be openly loved unconditionally.

shelly david wright, poet

Dying Daily

"Dying Daily."

The world is talking about Michael Jackson's
"untimely death" but no death is untimely.
We all have an expiration date set for us by
Yah way back in eternity.
From the moment we are born when we take our
first breath death begins we're on our way back.
No matter the causes we all are dying daily
whether it be natural or a heart attack.
Just as we are dying daily we should live
daily let our lives be meaningful too.
Live each day as if it were your last and enjoy as
much as possible no matter what you're going through.
The only plans are Yah's plans and if you're
His, He already has your steps ordered for you.
Your way is prepared to give Him high esteem your
living will never be in vain no matter what you do.
Yet those who have their heaven on earth now
will soon have their hell in Mystery Babylon also.
Right now they are living large and can have
the best of anything but Yah they do not know.
Thanking god doesn't mean they're thanking
Yah their lifestyles tell you who they serve.
Satan is the god of this world but those who
don't have their heaven now Yah will preserve.
This isn't our time now and our treasures
aren't to be stored here.
We who are called by His name will have our
rewards when out of the sky He'll appear.
Yah sees the end from the beginning and
He knows your next step He planned it.
We who serve Him are just vessels of clay
and in His hand we form the perfect fit.
Just as we die daily we should also live daily
with no regrets but walking in His light.
Because there is only one way to live before
Yah and that is to walk before Him right.
The world's elite have untimely deaths but
a time is coming that they'll envy the dead.
Their riches and all that they have will be
meaningless in a short time ahead.

shelly david wright, poet

Don't Let It Go to Your Head

"Don't let it go to Your Head."

My Sisters many of you think you're the
shizzle because of the Lies your shape draws.
You need to know that having pride
and ego fill your flesh is a deadly flaw.
Satan sends those with charming,
flattering words that eventually bring you down.
Many let their shapes go to their heads and
when they lose it many who criticize come around.
Pride destroys many you should know
they're not worshipping you no one's that fine.
Whatever goes up (swollen heads) must come down
your bubble will burst and that's the bottom line.
Don't let it go to your head this goes for the Brothers
who let their pride take them down that road too.
You heard the lies that expanded your head now
you have that expanded waist line like Santa don't you.
You used to pull your shirt off so the Sisters could
see your six pack, now you're drinking one.
Being full of self, self absorbed, will be the down fall
of many before it's all done.
Two women told me when they were fine and
filled with pride they would not have looked at me.
But they aren't getting the same attention
since they aren't those fine things they used to be.
When you're not as desirable anymore the
Booty Bandits aren't as eager to get in your face.
But the Lost don't care what you look like
their main concern is below your waist.
If your heart isn't right it doesn't matter what
you look like except to the Lost with sex on their mind.
They'll tell you what you want and like to hear
in hopes of getting in your behind.
Yah isn't concerned with if you're slim, fine,
thick, or fat but it's your heart that pleases Him.
Your flesh only pleases yourself and others who
don't count at the end of the day I mean any of them.
Don't let it go to your head humility will come
in the form of hurt, you just wait.
There's many who no longer hear the Cat calls or
he's fine, but are finding comfort in front of a plate.

shelly david wright, poet

Don't Forget to Say it

"Don't Forget to Say It."

News Flash life is short as if you didn't
know it already so live it to the fullest I say.
Scriptures tell us that your life is but a vapor
you're here today and you could also be gone today.
Take nothing or no one for granted if you Love them
please tell them while they are here.
Be Loving and understanding to their needs be considerate
of their feelings and hold that person so dear.
Life is too short to be holding grudges take
low and say you're sorry you be wrong.
Arguing is a waste trying to prove you're
right when life now isn't lived too long.
Don't forget to say I Love you tell them
let that person hear you say it frequently.
Because life is pretty uncertain
death could come into your life very quickly.
I Love you is what I'm saying to you if you're
reading this just know this is coming from my heart.
I don't want to have any regrets of ever missing
a time saying it I'm just trying to do my part.
I hope this provokes you to think about just
how short life really could be.
Let that person know how much you care for
them while that loved one you're able to see.
Like I said take nothing or no one for granted
death is coming every moment and every day of the week.
Someone is crying and mourning a loved one now
sorry those 3 words I love you they didn't speak.
Take time to smell the Roses appreciate life and
all those that are in your life.
Me I want to get married and share the time left
with someone special I want to cherish and treasure a wife.
I want to enjoy every moment that I'm alive and those
difficult moments I ask Yah to see me through.
Because I'm at war with the devil as long as this
poetic ministry touch the lives and the hearts of many of you.
Don't forget to say it I Love You, I'm Sorry two phrases
that from the heart mean so much.
I miss you is one I hear a lot too that's why as
short as life is someone special I need to reach out and touch.

I Love you very much.
shelly david wright, poet