Saturday, June 11, 2011

At Last

"At Last."

At last after the praying I met, no sorry, was introduced
to the most wonderful person that I'll ever know.
Someone who is like myself as if she was pulled out
of me back in a time where we were one long ago.
Everyday is a new day because of her and I now
know the wait was worth it all.
The Lonely days and nights have come to an end
because she brings new life when she calls.
At last I have all and more than I could have ever
imagined more than I knew a person could be.
This truly is a blessing from the Most High unlike
anything ever in life given to me.
As I write these words I'm overjoyed and the radio
is playing Love Songs back to back.
I know I'm alive but with her it feels like I've gone to
Heaven all my needs are met nothing I lack.
These are words that I speak into being that I pray
with all of my heart and being comes true.
Someone warm, wonderful, and Loving that was
created for me and I for her too.
When you finally know what Love is you want to share
it and convey all that you're feeling inside.
Emotions that are genuine and true so real that they
bubble up so inside you can't hide.
When you're blessed with someone that you cherish you
have a treasure that is priceless far more than gold.
She is more than all that is valuable upon the earth
an exquisite diamond that with your heart you hold.
When that time comes to me and one day it shall I will
write poetry of Love that you've never felt or read before.
You will feel each word with your heart and yearn to see
them with your eyes as never before.
When that time comes I will say at last and I will praise Him
for doing more in my life than I'm worthy of.
What He will give me in a companion will be a portion
of His heart spilling over with His Love.
At last the picnic basket in the Passat will get a work out
and my heart will dance even if I can't move my feet.
Into my life will be unspeakable Joy when Yah comes to
me with a daughter that is more than pure honey sweet.

Please respond if your heart was touched
I'd Love to know because I felt this one.
shelly david wright, poet

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