Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not Trying to Get in Your Underwear

"Not Trying to Get in Your Underwear."

I'm not trying to get in your underwear I don't
know what spirits you may have in you.
I'd rather get in your heart and mind in fact
it may be the safest thing to do.
Many still don't know or refuse to comprehend
the spiritual ramifications of sex they can't conceive.
They're only concerned with pleasing their flesh
but the truth about sex they aren't ready to believe.
Spirits can be just as deadly as HIV because spirits
can take control you ever hear of suicide.
That's where you kill yourself because of the
problems you may have but it’s the spirits inside.
When I talk to a Sister sex is nowhere in the equation
and if they offered I would refuse.
You see I respect them enough to not want them for their
body you see a Lifetime commitment is what I choose.
It's not about sex and how fine she is today fine is seen
everywhere and pretty is just as temporary too.
Beauty is a thing that you must feel it's not seen when
a person who thinks they're all that craps on you.
Felicia once told me you can get sex as easy as candy
I was lost in that world I'm looking for so much more.
Whores are everywhere you can get out of bed in the
dark and trip over a whore.
I'm not trying to get in your underwear and not trying
to inflate anyone's ego placing that thought in them.
You see I'm more afraid of what chastisement I'll get
from the Most High because I have to answer to Him.
Besides because of their past they have unresolved issues
and heartaches they haven't quite gotten over yet.
Many females are still holding on to the spirits of that
person who hurt them and they cannot forget.
You see where many want and will accept a wet ass
I want what the Most High wants for me in life.
Marriage is what He gave the first couple
so I want the same from him and that's a wife.
I'm not trying to get in your underwear but your heart
I want to penetrate a place where few have ever been.
The place below your waist isn't a treasure as much as
the Love of your heart that only the special can win.

Trying to get in the Kingdom
not your underwear.
shelly david wright, poet

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