Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We Shouldn't Teach Our Children to Whore

"We Shouldn't Teach Our Children to Whore."

My Brothers we should not teach our sons to be whores
but teach them how to Love and respect womanhood.
They have Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, you name it who are
close to them so we shouldn't teach them what's not good.
You sow far more than your wild oats when you go out
here and play you're sowing seeds that will come back.
We have too many murders among our own when we
give place to shatan for our disobedience he will attack.
Teach them Love and responsibility and you be the example
let them see the difference between a male and a man.
We are a people who the Most High has chosen as His own
so we need to walk right and become a part of His plan.
We are the Light of the world but sadly because of our disobedience
so many of us walk around in darkness and not trying to see.
Sleep walking eyes wide opened with unclean spirits
and filled with so much hate and hypocrisy.
Just as we shouldn't teach our sons to whore we should teach
our daughters to treasure themselves above all.
We don't need the curse of HIV and the AIDS virus to come
in to them as they're answering a Booty Call.
They need to demand respect by being wise and wait
for the right one who will Love and respect them to come.
Teach them and give them knowledge and let them see you
as being a man and you'll know where their choices came from.
This had to be written and said and possibly talked about
because we're in deep trouble in our community.
Where we're held captive by demons and disease by children
who terrorize us who are disobedient as they can be.
We should not teach our sons or daughters to do anything
that they will have to reap for later in life.
They don't need to be whores but what the Most High would
Love and orders either a husband or a wife.
I hope this will provoke thought and you'll see there's our
way and Yah's way but our way we chose.
This is why we are so messed up as a people why we are
a mockery and an astonishment truly Father knows.
It's never too late to turn around with Yah's help and get
on the right path and be directed to walk right before Him.
Because of the seeds they've sown many are falling by the
wayside and there are many of them.

shelly david wright, poet

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