Monday, June 13, 2011

Beyond Feeling

"Beyond Feeling."

There are so many who have become damaged
who are beyond feeling nothing but disgust.
It's now become an agenda of hurting someone else first
Love has become a hated word and no one they trust.
Sadder still are those who only had Dogs in their lives
who honestly believe all men are the same.
Truth is all males not men are but never learning
and knowing the difference is a shame.
There's a difference and it's about maturity or
should I clarify it as spiritual maturity.
You see age is nothing but a number when you're
still playing the same games you did when you were 23.
Males and females before becoming men and women
have an unclean spirit of the world in them.
The Lust of the flesh the pride of this life are of the
Fallen one, bottom line males and females serve him.
Think about it what kind of person purposely hurts you
who'll lie, cheat, and steal who would betray or abandon you.
What kind of person who only wants the place below your waist
who abuses you verbally, mentally, emotionally and physically too.
It's not human nature but inhuman nature to hurt
someone only for selfish gain and nothing more.
When you aren't capable of emotions like Love and caring
but concentrate on sex you're nothing more than a whore.
Beyond feeling are cold lifeless people who are only
about self satisfaction thinking of themselves only.
They're void of Love and the Beauty of it because they
are dead creatures who are broken inwardly.
You have those who are quick to say the right things
who know what your heart longs to hear.
Who are masters of deception who like their father
the devil will whisper lies into your ears.
I write with emotion because the Beauty of Love is
the inspiration and it's what I feel.
What I try to convey from my heart to yours are
feelings in the poetry that are sensitive and real.
Someone beyond feeling is what I don't want for they
are truly in need of prayer more than any I can think of.
You see you are not alive when you can't feel and appreciate
a kiss, a hug, the sweetest thoughts of an unforgettable Love.

shelly david wright, poet

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