Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Beauty Within

"The Beauty Within."

Talking to you is like going to a museum and
seeing masterpiece paintings and sculptures inside.
Because the words that proceed out of your mouth
show the Beauty of your heart that's impossible to hide.
Wisdom is Beautiful and to hear your words filled
with thought and caring words wrapped in Love.
You are indeed one of the most Beautiful people
with my eyes closed that I will ever know of.
True Beauty is felt and you were created and born
Beautiful before pretty was ever a word used to describe you.
It's not about what a person sees because eyes are
deceiving but what they feel touches your heart so true.
When your heart is touched by the Beauty of the words
then that person is Beautiful more than eyes can see.
To be touched and to feel good in your heart is a Blessing
that is felt deep within you emotionally.
I pray my words touch many hearts because I feel in
my heart these words that I write.
They are given to the eyes that will read them and to
the hearts that feel them they bring Joy and delight.
Beautiful words of Love that you can feel is a
treat when so many use their words to inflict pain.
Where others use their words to be controlling or
manipulative just for selfish gain.
Those who read the poems are touched and can't wait
to see what they will be given because they're touched too.
When you Love it shows in your life when you speak
it shows in the little things that you do.
From the softness of a Teddy Bear to the sweetness of
a kiss to a full frontal embrace.
Where two hearts meet and become one forever it surpasses
all thought time and space.
The Beauty within is evident when a person opens their
mouth because the outside doesn't reveal what's true.
Just like Lucifer who is perfect in Beauty appearance
but rotten to the core a demon through and through.
I hope your heart is touched by each word and if your
day was bad I hope this will help make it better.
Just know you are Loved by someone more than me
who instructs me with each Beautiful Love letter.

shelly david wright, poet

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