Monday, June 6, 2011

Andrea's Choice

"Andrea's Choice."

Andrea is a very sweet and Attractive Sister who
I met while I was shopping in Wal*Mart.
Not only has she the prettiest eyes on any woman
but for her choice in selecting not settling is smart.
Andrea told me she's dating someone in their 50's
and she's in her 30's too.
She said the younger males are selfish and I know
they aren't about Love by the things that they do.
They are out here with these unclean spirits wilding
out and killing each other as Cain killed Abel his brother.
They are violent because it's not Love but hate is what
they feel for themselves as a people and one another.
Not all the young are this way remember there's a
big difference in a male and a man also.
The spirit is the difference in the two of them and by
their actions and walk you will know.
Although age should show maturity it's not always
the case older males have controlling spirits in them
You see if you settled for a male and not a man then
you'll have someone with an unclean spirit in him.
1st Corinthians 13 speaks of Love and the attributes that
men and not males in their lives will show.
When you have the spirit of Yah instead of an unclean
of the fallen the Love of Yah will flow.
You see it's not about what a person has that should provoke
your choice in a selection but how they make you feel.
Are they putting on an act just to bait you in or are
they genuine and from their hearts real.
Sometimes you only choose what you are when your
spirit is familiar with the spirit in that guy.
You will only choose those who line up with your spirit
no matter what they look like if it's not of the Most High.
Andrea chose to date someone older and she seems content
the truth is compatibility and companionship is king.
Because when you make Yah and Love your foundation
only happiness to your life together you will bring.
Even when the storms come and obstacles are in your way
together you will work them out as the two of you grow.
When you're given the right one in your life you'll have
someone to treasure and cherish who you'll never let go.

inspired by Andrea
shelly david wright, poet

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