Monday, June 6, 2011

I'm Missing Out on A lot

"I'm Missing Out on A lot."

Being celibate and selective I'm missing out on
a lot like disease, demons, and drama too.
You see I don't have the headaches that I see those
who are played and plagued by games are going through.
I don't have to be deceitful and lie to get into the space
below her waist I don't have to play tricks to get her too.
You see I don't have to be concerned with catching more
than a cold because I don't sleep around as so many do.
You see I once was out here asleep I was consumed by that
spirit of having my flesh/sexual appetite fed as well.
It was all about what my flesh/shatan wanted for me
and to get what I wanted many a lie I would tell.
You can't make a whore anything but Yah can change
a whore into an instrument to give others true pleasure.
Not of the physical but of the spiritual to be used and
given a true knowledge of Love beyond measure.
I'm missing out on a lot according to the world
like the unclean spirits that once possessed me also.
We are physical creatures who are directed by spirits
the things we do is the spirit we show.
Where they talk about AIDS and sexually transmitted
diseases unclean spirits are just as bad.
They bring on the drama that many have in their lives
the whoring the cheating that breaks up many homes is sad.
After Yah has changed me it's just not that serious I want to
reap Love and not Yah's wrath so on Him I shall wait.
My eyes lie and I cannot see or read what's in a heart so
I'm relying on Him in faith to prepare me for my mate.
I'm missing out on the sad stories of betrayal of the lives
that are being lost when someone got in the wrong bed.
You see the face of AIDS/Death is very attractive/handsome
one moment of pleasure could leave you physically dead.
I know we will all have problems but bringing them upon
ourselves is not mine or should be anyone's choice.
You see many times the choices we make aren't our own
when you're listening to an unclean spirit's voice.
I'm missing out on a lot I don't need but through obedience
to Yah I'm reaping so much more in my life.
You see I may be yearning now for my mate but I know
when she comes she will be a Daughter of Yah and a wife.

shelly david wright, poet

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