Saturday, June 25, 2011

To You Who Are Under Attack

"To You Who Are Under Attack."

To those of us who are being attacked just know
that you must be doing something right.
Because if shatan is out to get you it only means
that to the Most High you must be a delight.
Shatan only attacks those who are a threat to him
he goes after those who are trying to do the right things.
When you are about doing what is different from the
world's system into your life so much drama he will bring.
Everyday is filled with stress and shatan is out to make
our lives miserable but know he is limited also.
The book of Job proves this when you're one of the
children of the Most High only so far the devil can go.
This poem is inspired by a Beautiful friend I know
who is being attacked on her job because of her hair.
They're being used by the adversary because I'm sure
her performance is good but about her they must not care.
I know there are other stories you will hear and I'm sure
some of you who are reading this are going through.
Shatan is going to be about his business and business is
great for him when he's bringing the drama to you.
To you who are under attack of the enemy just know
there's strength in numbers so share your trials with others.
We all need to be able to pick up the phone in that hour of
need and get some encouragement from that Sister or Brother.
To my sweet Sister Kali just know you have the victory
no matter what your eyes see because our eyes do lie.
Just know in your heart we are going to be more than
conquerors because of the Most High.
To my Brothers and Sisters who are going and growing
through just know also you can handle it.
Yah is not going to allow you to give up because He's
spiritually got this even if shatan won't quit.
We are under spiritual warfare and those around you
could happen to be the enemy.
Friends are blessings to have in your corner so if in
need you can call or email me.
I through Yah will have a word of encouragement as we
all should for one another when trouble comes to us.
Just know that shatan is going to be on his job as long
as you're on yours just remember in Yah we will trust.

Much Love to You All
shelly david wright, poet

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