Monday, June 13, 2011

Far Beyond the Physical

"Far Beyond the Physical."

Far beyond the physical is a place I want
to take you where I'll penetrate your mind.
With words that form thoughts of an intimate
encounter where in a special place your heart I'll find.
Beyond the physical is the emotional and even
further the spiritual a level many haven't gotten to.
They're in a place where they're satisfied with only
pleasing the flesh and before Yah I was there too.
To me it's about bonding on another level where
two hearts are joined and become one.
Where Love is truly an action word where feelings
are shown and for the other deeds get done.
Where a kiss is an introduction and a pathway to a
heart that wants more than physical penetration.
Where words can become life that brings on a deep
emotional and Loving sensation.
Beyond the physical is where I and many more are
where words like devotion, and commitment are real.
A place where the greatest point of arousal is in your
mind that when I thrust words in so much Love you feel.
Sex without Love has destroyed many hearts and lives
and continues to do so through an unclean spirit constantly.
I've spoken to males and females who were torn apart by
trusting in someone who had a devil or demons inwardly.
Broken hearts and homes are skyrocketing from people
who only have their own agenda and nothing more.
Sad thing is many are beyond feelings of concern like
caring about someone Love they never felt before.
Bottom line is when it's only about the physical it will
lead to drama and games that males and females play.
Games that are orchestrated by an unclean spirit
that they will have to reap and answer for one day.
When someone Loves there's sacrifice they must place
the other first dying to and denying self for them.
When you Love it is far beyond the physical because
your temple is filled with Yah's Love you have Him.
Far beyond the physical is where two hearts and minds
meet where Lovemaking is on a higher level and true.
You must be far beyond the physical to even feel the
words that touch your emotions when I say I Love you.

shelly david wright, poet

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