Monday, June 6, 2011

It's About Being Responsible

"It's About Being Responsible."

When you're dating someone it's really about
Love and romance it's about being responsible too.
After all the person you're seeing may have a child or
children so doing for them is the responsible thing to do.
Caring and Loving is a responsible act for Love is an
action word about doing more than feeling will ever be.
When you Love it provides it's responsible Love will
think of the other first and deny self ultimately.
When you think of being with someone there's a cost
involved of time, money, and so much more.
You see when you take on that responsibility
there's so much that lies in store.
Forget the Baby Mama/Daddy Drama that so
many are dealing with let maturity and Love reign.
Because we know those with an unclean spirit that
of jealousy, envy, and strife can cause you so much pain.
Many are hurt and haven't healed and willing to shift
the blame rather than look within.
Beware of the high maintenance issues because they
have a self-centered spirit just to begin.
It's about being responsible and that requires both
parties denying and dying to self killing the flesh everyday.
Everything we do should give esteem to Yah even
our relationships should be Set Apart Yah's way.
I spoke to Brother Charles today and told him I still use
his line that the steps are in front of the house.
If Yah gives me a mate with children they will be our
children and gifts of Love from my spouse.
It's about being responsible when others around you
are irresponsible and you see it constantly.
Young pregnant Mamas with 1 or more and hardly
the baby's daddy will you see.
Sex ain't all that but I'm celibate so what would I
know except that it's a stronghold spiritually.
I too was once dead in the world and that spirit of
Lust/flesh/shatan really had a hold on me.
It's all about being responsible for me now and doing
the right thing according to the Most High.
You see there's no one else that I have to answer to
because on the day of Judgment there's nothing you can't deny.

shelly david wright, poet

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