Sunday, June 19, 2011

No Body is Perfect

"No Body's Perfect."

When I was 18 I had a subscription to Playboy
and purchased the Player's magazine too.
What I saw was an airbrush illusion because
as attractive as they seemed it wasn't true.
No body is perfect we all have life marks on our
bodies from stretch marks to scrapes and scratches also.
Magazines that show the celebrities are hiding their
flaws too you had better know.
The bottom line these are temporary temples Beauty
must be on the inside because pretty doesn't make you.
Being fine, thick, fit, or whatever our bodies aren't
going to stay that way no matter what you do.
Don't get me wrong we need to take care of ourselves
eat right and exercise it's for your own good.
We need to be about caring for our first gift from
the Most High and we should.
But remember they are just temples to house spirits
or the spirit of the Most High.
What you see isn't always what you get because
our eyes do lie.
I for one walk and swim I get my exercise but I
know that Yah judges the heart within.
Remember the one that was created perfect in
Beauty was the one to commit the first sin.
There are some who let their looks create with them
attitudes/spirits that go straight to their heads.
But the one who fills them with this pride messes over
them by one they cared about in their beds.
You see no matter how good you may think you look
there's always someone who looks better they see.
Yet once again it's all a waste if the spirit within isn't
about Love because all in the world is vanity.
This poem was inspired by a true sweetheart who
looks good the way she is because she's honey sweet.
This Beautiful young lady is a blessing to your heart
and a friend forever that was a pleasure to meet.
She said I was going to write about our conversation
I didn't think so at the time but later the title came to me.
From stretch marks, to scars, blemishes, scrapes, bruises,
bumps and lumps no body is perfect, yes no body.

inspired by Nita who is coming to the pool.
shelly david wright, poet
my dear Brother Alfred Carter's birthday

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