Saturday, June 25, 2011



When you accept the excuse that a man will be a
man then you give power to the madness in your life.
You see there's a difference that many cannot see
a male will cheat where a man won't on his wife.
To accept what should be and what is totally unacceptable
makes you the fool and you have no right to complain.
To live in such an emotional relationship is to your
demise so in a mess like that you should not remain.
There are an abundance of whores male and female
but quality is a blessing that you must come by.
You do better picking your nose and finding gold
on your own but be wise and wait on the Most High.
Unacceptable are the excuses and the mindset that they
believe all men are Dogs and capable of such treachery.
You need to realize your choices play a part in your own
troubles when you open yourself to this insanity.
A male is going to try you and will go as far as allowed
and when you're not looking he'll go behind your back.
Just as bad as the males are there are females too who'll
take your kindness for weakness because Love they lack.
Unacceptable should be your mindset regarding such
people they have unclean spirits in them.
If they're about doing wrong it's because they are wrong
and you'd be a fool to believe you can change him.
Did you ever think they may just like the way they
are no amount of Coochie can change a whorish devil.
You need to wake up and smell the hot coffee burning
and bring your mindset from being naive to another level.
Totally unacceptable thinking and pure settling if you go
for a man will be a man garbage that you hear.
I'm not trying to hear anything that is so unacceptable
and you should not have that lie spoken in your ear.
The same whores are quick to say you can't make a whore
a housewife yet they're the ones who are whores too.
It takes two to tangle or it takes a whore to know one
and believe me this statement is true.
Unacceptable is a mindset and behavior that gives life
to the devilment that it's natural for a man to sleep around.
That's a lie straight from shatan a man is different from
a male and I pray this truth will one day be found.

shelly david wright, poet

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