Friday, June 3, 2011

I Wished I Didn't

"I Wished I Didn't."

There are many who said I Do who wished they
didn't from all the drama they have in their lives.
There are females who are tired of their husbands and
some husbands who wished they never met their wives.
This is what happens when the marriage has run
its course and shatan is in the midst of it.
You see many who got married weren't ready in
their hearts to fully commit.
Many never knew that they were to deny self and
everyone else for the greater Love of their mate.
Many didn't want to give up the whoring and other
vices like coming home early AM late.
Many thought that they had found the right one
where others simply grew apart.
Many settled for what they thought was best for them
and many married for things with no Love in their hearts.
There are many reasons why they jumped the broom
now they're ready to jump out of the window.
They now wished that they didn't instead of I DO
and they're ready for them to leave or themselves to go.
There are many reasons that marriages fall apart
financial, controlling, sex, you name it in this day and time.
Many who they marry aren't who they profess to be
and aren't worth a Chinese dime.
Many are miserably married and are hanging in there
for the sake of children and other things they'll confess.
What they had in the marriage has died and in their hearts
they don't have any happiness.
Marriage is a blessed institution of Yah and only those with
His Love in their hearts will overcome what lies ahead.
You see you can't make anything work if your whole
intentions are to just be Body Banging in bed.
Husbands Love your wives as the Messiah Loved His Own
and gave Himself for it this is what we must do.
Wives honor and be submissive to your husbands as to
Yah it's His Love that will see you through.
I know there are some who are unhappy who cry every night
and who argue and fight it's really over for them.
They both have someone else they're seeing on the side
he finds himself a mistress and she's having an affair on him.

How Sad Are Some Marriages.
shelly david wright, poet

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