Monday, June 6, 2011

From Head to Toe a Queen

"From Head to Toe a Queen."

From head to toe from North to South from
East to West and every place in between.
You were created so wonderfully Beautiful
in the spirit of Love you are a Queen.
From head to toe you're a Queen a daughter
of Heavenly royalty.
You're far more than any eyes will ever behold
within your heart is a treasure that few will ever see.
You are a sweet and wonderful person who I know
is a genuine Love that has come true.
When I thought I'd have to wait forever for my
chosen one the Most High introduced you.
From head to toe you're more than I thought possible
when I hear your words in my heart they're a melody.
Our life together will be a Love Story of the rhymes
soft sweet words that make up the poetry.
When you look into my eyes I have to sit down for my
knee gets weak and when you hug me I feel a release.
Everything is fine in my world when I'm with you for
the Love that you share with me brings inner peace.
From head to toe and all points in between you're so
very special and a blessing to have in my life.
I know when you were born you had a purpose and that
was to be mine to be the one who'd Love me as my wife.
From head to toe you are a masterpiece more than I
could have imagined the Most High has truly rewarded me.
Bone of my bone flesh of my flesh you complete and
compliment me on the physical and spiritually.
On this day there is Joy in my heart as we stand eye
to eye nervous ready to take this life long journey.
We will be one more than just on the physical because
our Lovemaking will bond us emotionally.
Tonight when we lay we will be in paradise a Gift I
will unwrap and open to a fulfillment of pure delight.
When our passions explode and our desires are met it
will be a Beautiful moment of intimacy with Mrs. Wright.
From head to toe and from North to South I will discover
territory as I cover your body inch to inch romantically.
There's no other place or anyone else I would want to be with
I have a Queen who I'm Loving very passionately.

shelly david wright, poet

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