Friday, June 17, 2011

The True Gifts of Father's Day

"The True Gifts of Father's Day."

There would not be a Father's Day without the
children and my grown people I'm very proud of.
Children are a blessing that did not ask to come here
so they will need lots of your time and your Love.
My son Matthew showed what he was made of when
his girlfriend's Mother passed he stood strong by her side.
I was at the funeral and he helped to comfort her I saw
how he was with her this gave me a feeling of pride.
I met Shanice's father and he began to tell me of how
he felt about Matthew and how good he had been to him.
Matthew was a treasure to the family and those around
him he was highly spoken of by all of them.
This is more than any parent could ask for to have a son
who is truly one that is respectable and a gentleman too.
This has nothing to do with me but to the Most High I
give the esteem only to you.
My daughter Ranata my Big Girl who is my sweetness
and who is now engaged she's my little Princess.
She has grown up to be a very Beautiful and attractive
young lady a sweet and pretty girl I must confess.
She is also one who never gave me any real trouble but
who put me on blast on her Face Book for the world to see.
I have been blessed to have Beautiful grown ups in my life
but in my heart they will always be children to me.
Father's Day isn't about Rooster strutting and being proud
of being a sperm donor for children you do not know.
It ain't about patting yourself on the back when a few months
of back child support you haven't paid but you owe.
It's not for Dead Beat Dads or males who sowed their wild
oats but about those who were responsible, and Loving, also.
You see it's to honor those who are Fathers because compared
to a male a man stands and Love for his he will show.
Let me state that there are many stories that have kept a
man out of their children's lives there are reasons I'll say.
But let's be real we can't be expected to be honored if
we didn't do a thing for them on Father's day.
The true Gifts of Father's Day are the children that you're
blessed to have they're your gifts of Love from the Most High.
They are more than any man made holiday could ever be
they're everything that makes living livable I won't deny.

shelly david wright, poet

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