Monday, June 27, 2011

They May Just Like the Way They Are

"They May Just Like the Way they Are."

There are females and males alike who feel that the
one they're with needs some changing to them done.
Well first of all you did not create them so their
Maker can only change them you're not the one.
Second is are you that perfect that you can't find
no fault with self there's nothing wrong with you.
Self inventory is required by all because what you
don't see the Most High do.
Acceptance is the key when you meet someone
accept them for who they are Yah will do the rest.
If He is the head of your life then into it He will
do for you what's best.
Outside of a true knowledge of the Most High all
of our choices are wrong especially in a mate.
We'd do better picking our noses and finding gold
because what we find we can't really appreciate.
Maybe this person likes the way they are and can't
see what you see with time they will mature I hope.
Some never grow up and get worse with an unclean
spirit so if you Love them you just learn to cope.
Yet Love is what many say out of their mouths but
in their minds and in their hearts Love they don't feel.
It has become a word of convenience to get what you
want but the energy behind it to many is not real.
Why do you think there are an abundance of hearts
being broken everyday disappointments rising also.
Love is an emotion that only the blessed can truly
appreciate because the Most High they know.
They just may like the way they are I'm sure many
of you do and don't feel change is needed in your life.
But some of you have hearts that are filled with hurt
and use words that can cut better than any knife.
Truth to tell we all are a work in progress and we die
daily to self so the new person can emerge.
From self and this flesh which can be a tool of shatan
through much prayer and fasting we must purge.
The change that is to come will only be through Yah
until that time look in the mirror to see who needs it too.
Acceptance is a true sign of Love because Yah accepts us
and He's changing us that's why so much we grow through.

shelly david wright, poet

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