Friday, June 17, 2011

Put the Love in Lovemaking

"Put the Love in Lovemaking."

Birds do it Bees do it all the animals do it
they have sex and they procreate too.
You see just like humans they were meant
to multiply and that's what they do.
Yet when Yah created humans He gave them
the ability to have emotions/feelings of Love also.
But I also understand unless you have a relationship
with the Most High the essence of Love you don't know.
When you Love you place that person first in your life
with care and consideration and they should do the same.
Every move should be with their best in mind and
from the heart making them happy should be your aim.
Devotion, commitment, respect for them along with
honor, honesty, and loyalty in your life are real.
When you Love they are gifts from the Most High
and His Love and presence in them is what you feel.
When you put the Love in Lovemaking it's more of an
emotional spiritual intimacy that takes place in the mind.
Before two bodies can become one physically feeling them
spiritually and emotionally heart to heart you should find.
Lovemaking starts in the heart and mind the brain is the
arousal point that with your words you must touch.
Words form thoughts in their heads and they begin to
desire you very passionately so much.
How about some Love Songs played on your IPhone and
sweet text messages sent throughout the day.
With the foreplay on words that you know are a tease not
only should your words flow but they should by what you say.
Romance is an art of Love before the Lovemaking can begin
but whatever you do don't start something you can't continue.
Let all be from the heart without motives but because
you Love them show them that you care constantly.
When you put the Love in Lovemaking and cease from
sex you will begin to see how Yah meant for it to be.
You will freely give of yourself wholeheartedly with
unheard of passion and deep intimacy.
When Love and trust are the foundation you can build
something lasting and Beautiful with them.
Because when you put Love in Lovemaking you have
the Love of Yah it becomes 3 in bed because you have Him.

shelly david wright, poet

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