Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Lost Commodity

"A Lost Commodity."

The innocence of trust once broken is a very hard
thing to get back and many seldom do.
Because once you betray that trust the person
will isolate themselves and will not again trust you.
Trust has become the lost commodity and in friendship
it is the main ingredient to help it grow.
Trust is something that must be earned or it's given
until the wrong moves are made then it's time to let go.
There are females that I talk to who I know have an
issue with trust because of what some male did to them.
You see she opened up and gave her heart and eventually
gave up her body to him.
The rest of the story goes once they enter your privacy
you're not the challenge you once were anymore.
To many you've been conquered and you're no
different than the others they've had just a whore.
Then they begin to treat you like yesterday and your
feelings are hurt and your heart begins to break.
When you give yourself to someone and they Dog you
out there is only so much emotionally you can take.
There are some who trusted over and over and have
a child from everyone they trusted to prove it.
They also have the drama to go along with the bad
memories of males going after her split.
There are many horror stories too where males have
placed their trust in females who did them in as well.
They played them before they got played it's really
Dog eat Dog out here emotionally as you can tell.
My question is what makes you think that you're so
smart, or slick that those same spirits won't do you in.
You see you're just a vessel they're using to mess over that
person but they eventually will answer for their sin.
When someone trusts you and in you it's an honor that
you shouldn't take lightly but do all to keep that trust.
You should be about doing the right thing before the
Most High and flee that spirit of flesh feeding lust.
Love and trust go hand in hand and when it's there
a whole heart you gain as a very special reward.
Beautiful is when two who are blessed with each other
who are confident and spiritually on one accord.

shelly david wright, poet

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