Monday, June 27, 2011

More Sensitivity Less Masculinity

"More Sensitivity Less Masculinity."

The Caveman is dead and so should be the mindset
where being hard is the epitome of manhood.
There are some females who even believe that a man should
be John Wayne tough, clearly being a man isn't understood.
Even some of the Village People weren't Macho men and males
are putting on an act of how they believe a man should be.
They're confused about real manhood because in some
homes a male and not a man is all they got to see.
Women need more sensitivity to their needs and less
masculinity because of the concerns they go through.
A woman has so many health concerns and emotional
issues she doesn't need the drama of a male too.
The greatest thing a man has isn't the size of this tool
or his bank account but his understanding and sensitivity.
You see he must be able to Love and her heart must be able
to accept it they must become one on a level that's emotionally.
There's more strength in showing one's feelings and concerns
a man Loves at all times and is able to convey it also.
The sad truth is more females have had males in their
lives and sex but the true Love of a man they did not know.
More sensitivity less masculinity because sensitivity
isn't abusive it doesn't strike out you it will never hit.
Sensitivity isn't about self but cares for you and yours
when you have children you all become the perfect fit.
Sensitivity is about listening and being concerned
it's about making sure you're heard.
Not dismiss you like you're nothing and always tries to
put you down never using a kind word.
Some females believe opposites attract no they attack
when the spirit of the Most High isn't in them.
You see what you think is a man is far more when he
has the spirit of his father shatan in him.
You need to have someone who is truly Loving and caring
who is more sensitive and strong as well.
Not anyone like so many have who will tear their self esteem
down and drag them through an emotional Hell.
In fact you should wait on the Most High because some of
you have been hurt and emotionally destroyed by a male.
When Yah prepares and heals you from the assault of a male
life with a man will seem like a Love story/fairy tale.

shelly david wright, poet

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